HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《JUSTICE LEAGUE》Wonder Woman HK$1,390


Hot Toys 繼推出了《正義聯盟》蝙蝠俠(戰甲版) 、閃電俠及水行俠的 1:6 比例珍藏人偶後,現公佈推出電影唯一超級女英雄 ─ 神奇女俠 1:6 比例珍藏人偶,各路英雄聚首,以對抗即將對地球造成威脅的外星敵軍。

神奇女俠人偶的極像真頭雕由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊以高超工藝、細緻刻劃出演員姬嘉鐸(Gal Gadot) 所飾演神奇女俠一角的面部輪廓,黃金頭冠配合植髮技術為頭雕營造出強烈而豐富的層次感。此外,Hot Toys 根據演員的身型比例而設計出一個高約 29cm、具 17 個可動關節的人偶素體,其上半身及雙腿部分採用包膠設計,除可隱藏活動關節,更能塑造出自然的肌肉線條,完美展現女神矯健靈巧的身型和性感身段曲線!
服飾方面,金屬感的裝甲戰衣以紅、藍色為主調,配上戰損塗裝效果及全新設計的裝甲長靴。此外,根據角色造型設定除了配備了一條真言套索(Lasso of Truth)、兩對馴服之鐲 (正常與仿發光的戰鬥狀態)、盾牌與神劍作武器外,更追加了兩條揮動形態的真言套索和 4 顆以磁石磁貼在馴服之鐲上的仿發光特效組件,以還原神奇女俠在電影中發出神力去抵擋子彈和近距離擊退敵人的幕幕血脈沸騰的動作場面。

【Justice League – 1/6th scale Wonder Woman Collectible Figure】

“The others… where are they?”
Prior to the long awaited DC Comics’s blockbuster Justice League hitting the theatre, Hot Toys has already introduced some of the major league members. On top of Batman, Aquaman and The Flash, here comes the fan-beloved female superhero – Wonder Woman! Together with Bruce Wayne the Batman, Wonder Woman recruited other superheroes to form the unprecedented Justice League to save the planet from the catastrophic destruction.
Hot Toys is extremely thrilled to introduce the 1/6th scale Wonder Woman from the epic screenplay Justice League. Meticulously crafted based on the appearance of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman in the movie, the figure features a newly painted head sculpt with long curly dark brown real fabric hair and Wonder Woman’s signature tiara, a specialized body tailored for Wonder Woman, expertly tailored armor with heavier battle damage and weathering effect. Aside from the amazing costume, the figure also comes with assortments of weapons and accessories such as a the sword, a shield with weathering effect, two pairs of Wonder Woman’s signature “Bracelets of Submissions”, her “Lasso of Truth”, bullet sparkling effects, and a specially designed Justice League themed figure stand.