HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure 《Thor: Ragnarok》Hela HK$1,430
【MARVEL最突出女奸角之一 標誌性頭角與死亡女神服飾造型 誓要吞噬整個宇宙】
Hot Toys 現推出 MARVEL 最突出女奸角之一 ─ 「死亡女神」海娜的 1:6 比例珍藏人偶,誓要入侵聖域界搶奪王位並且吞噬整個宇宙!
《雷神奇俠3:諸神黃昏》海娜的人偶頭雕是由 Hot Toys韓國團隊攜手製作,細緻無遺地刻上 「死亡女神」海娜一角的面部輪廓及表情神態以及標誌性的黑色頭角,並且細緻地塗裝上逼真的皮膚紋理和化妝。此外,整個人偶特別按照 Cate Blanchett 的身型比例與膚色,塑造出一個高約31cm(連頭角)、具有逾 28 個可動關節的海娜專用素體,配合極像真頭雕和全套黑、綠色的服飾造型。
服飾方面,Hot Toys 團隊以精心細緻的剪裁打造黑色露肩樽領的連身戰服,更特別為在斗篷上加上磁石。隨人偶將配備兩把長劍、多對造型手掌、一個於電影中海娜與雷神奇俠對峙時以單手捏碎了的半毀形態雷霆戰鎚,以及特別推加的神秘配件,表現出聖域界最邪惡的力量!
【Thor: Ragnarok – 1/6th scale Hela Collectible Figure】
“I’m not a queen, and I’m not a monster… I’m the Goddess of Death!”
With blistering success of the epic screenplay by Marvel Studios, Thor: Ragnarok is well-received worldwide and the characters have all gained tremendous popularity including the newly introduced female villain Hela, the Goddess of Death. With deadly powers unlike anything else in the Nine Realms, Hela is seeking vengeance against those who imprisoned her eons ago.
In response to the immense fame of the newly introduced character, Hot Toys is pleased to officially introduce the highly-anticipated 1/6th scale Hela collectible figure from Thor: Ragnarok!
Sophisticatedly crafted with striking likeness of Hela’s appearance portrayed by Cate Blanchett in the movie, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt with black-colored horns, a specially tailored Hela outfit with magnetically attachable green colored cape, two swords, a damaged Mjolnir attached to the hand, and figure stand.
Furthermore, Hot Toys will be including bonus accessories for this collectible figure that will certainly be a delight for fans after seeing the film. Stay tuned with us to find out what they are very soon!