HOT TOYS 預定2025年發售: 全球限量2,500套 1/6 Action Figure《LOKI》God Loki (DX植髮版本) HK$2,880
【Hot Toys全新《洛基》God Loki 1:6比例珍藏人偶 特別推出限量500套DX ARTISAN EDITION呈現植髮工藝 見證王的誕生!
時間線瀕臨滅亡,洛基為了拯救宇宙義無反顧,手執無數多元宇宙支線一步一步前往時間的盡頭登上永恆的皇座,背負起光榮使命! Hot Toys再度帶來令人矚目的漫威系列力作,呈獻讓全球粉絲著迷,擁有最獨特魅力的經典反派洛基一角!團隊參考漫威封神之作《洛基》第二季的大結局服飾造型,隆重發布God Loki 1:6比例珍藏人偶,推出普通版本以及限量Artisan Edition版本,以精湛的雕刻塗裝工藝及羊毛植髮技術完美呈現極像真頭雕,與一眾漫威迷及收藏家共同見證王的誕生!
— God Loki 1:6比例珍藏人偶(植髮版)
Hot Toys秉承著忠於影視角色的創作初心,為了重現洛基於劇集令人印象深刻且震撼的大結局時刻,特別以“DX ARTISAN EDITION”系列最為出色、極致雕琢細節的羊毛植髮技術應用於製作1:6極像真頭雕上,復刻由湯姆·希丹斯頓(Tom Hiddleston)所飾演的洛基一角,包括精致的五官、皮膚皺紋及深邃的眼神,同時加載獨立可動眼球設計給予微調視線角度,細膩表現出洛基所流露的凝重眼神表情。Hot Toys植髮師團隊以全人手工藝將輕盈纖細的深棕色羊毛植髮逐條編製於極細小的1:6極像真頭雕上,擬真還原略帶一絲凌亂感、仿如真髮般的自然效果,戴上全新的幻彩綠色彎鉤頭冠後更顯魅力。
設計師忠於角色的身型比例,為珍藏人偶選用一個高31cm、具30個活動關節的高可動素體。參考戲服設定特別剪裁出全新綠色God Loki服裝,運用多層次精練簡約的上乘布料剪裁而成並點綴著精緻的金色刺繡,搭載一件內藏造型鐵線的綠色披風及一對黑色平底鞋,重新演繹洛基最終的榮耀形象以體現角色內在變化。附上模擬散發出綠色光芒的時間支線特效組件,以及烙印上金色紋路的雕塑級王座地台連主題背景卡,再現劇中洛基決意犧牲自己最終坐落王座這扣人心弦的場景。植髮版本全球限量2,500套,香港僅限量500套,
【Loki – 1/6th scale God Loki Collectible Figure (Artisan Edition)】
“I know what kind of God I need to be.” – Loki
The trickster destroyed Kang’s ‘Sacred Timeline’ in the Loki Season 2 finale, allowing all the branches to coexist in a conjoint manner. Yet the highlight of the finale was Loki making the ultimate sacrifice for the future of the multiverse by stepping into the shoes of the God of Stories. In the new multiverse, all branches would coexist with the Asgardian God holding everything together in a new tree of time. He has finally found his glorious purpose – preserving every story in the multiverse. In his new seat, the God of Stories can protect the tales of everyone who has and will live in the multiverse.
Inspired by the Season 2 of Loki series., Hot Toys is thrilled to officially unveil the highly anticipated Artisan Edition of its 1/6th scale collectible figure depicting God Loki from the DX series. This figure particularly features hair implantation using wool material, allowing for a more glorious and lifelike representation of the character. It’s an Exclusive release available with limited quantity of 2,500 pieces only in selected markets.
Exquisitely crafted based on the screen appearance of Tom Hiddleston as God Loki in the last appearance in MCU, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt with separate rolling eyeballs. The fabric costume has been finely tailored to match Loki’s on-screen appearance, ensuring an accurate and visually stunning portrayal. His iconic horned helmet is magnetically attachable, completing the authentic look. Additionally, a throne painted in metallic gold, timeline effects, hand effects, themed backdrop, and a display base to enhance the display options and allow for creative posing.