HOT TOYS 預定2025年發售: 1/6 Action Figure《LOKI》God Loki (普通版本) HK$1,830

【Hot Toys全新《洛基》God Loki 1:6比例珍藏人偶 普通版本 】

時間線瀕臨滅亡,洛基為了拯救宇宙義無反顧,手執無數多元宇宙支線一步一步前往時間的盡頭登上永恆的皇座,背負起光榮使命! Hot Toys再度帶來令人矚目的漫威系列力作,呈獻讓全球粉絲著迷,擁有最獨特魅力的經典反派洛基一角!團隊參考漫威封神之作《洛基》第二季的大結局服飾造型,隆重發布God Loki 1:6比例珍藏人偶,同步推出普通版本,以精湛的雕刻塗裝工藝完美呈現極像真頭雕,與一眾漫威迷及收藏家共同見證王的誕生!

— God Loki 1:6比例珍藏人偶
Hot Toys運用巧手人偶製作工藝和極致細膩審美標準製作蠟像級頭雕,依據演員湯姆·希丹斯頓(Tom Hiddleston)還原精致絕倫的五官、高挺鼻梁、線條分明的下頜及一雙深邃的眼眸,將洛基一頭略帶些許自然微卷和凌亂感的深棕色及肩雕髮造型演繹得淋漓盡致,頭上配戴一個全新的彎鉤頭冠,同時應用獨立可動眼球技術以調節神韻,打造他栩栩如生的凝重神態!
珍藏人偶配用了一個高31cm、具30個活動關節的高可動素體,讓玩家們自由地擺放各種靈活帥氣的姿勢造型!服飾方面,設計團隊參考真實戲服一絲不苟地製作整套以綠色為主調的全新服裝,通過布料表面巧妙交織的褶皺增添層次感,披風內置造型鐵線足本呈現洛基踏進時間樞紐時在空中飄揚的狀態。此外,配合綠色半透明掌型特效、時間線特效,以及特別設計雕塑般的金色王座連主題背景卡,忠實呈現洛基使用力量延續無數時間線並孤獨地坐上王座一幕,生動見證他肩負光榮使命成為God Loki的史詩劇情!

【Loki – 1/6th scale God Loki Collectible Figure】

God of mischief, lies…and stories!
In the finale of Loki season 2, Loki brings about a significant change as he destroyed the Temporal Loom and saved all the branched timelines. Transforming into a living Temporal Loom for the Sacred Timeline, Loki becomes a brand-new god and is now integral to the stability of the entire multiverse.
With meticulous attention to detail, the 1/6th scale God Loki collectible figure based on Loki (Season 2) live-action series, showcases Loki’s latest appearance and powerful presence. From the screen-accurate costume to the intricate sculpting of his features, every aspect has been carefully crafted to reflect his elevated status and the responsibilities he now carries.
Exquisitely crafted based on the screen appearance of Tom Hiddleston as God Loki in the finale, the figure features a newly developed head sculpt with separate rolling eyeballs. The fabric costume has been finely tailored to match Loki’s on-screen appearance, ensuring an accurate and visually stunning portrayal. His iconic horned helmet is magnetically attachable, completing the authentic look. Additionally, a throne painted in metallic gold, timeline effects, hand effects, themed backdrop, and a display base to enhance the display options and allow for creative posing.