GOODSMILE 2021年7月發售:模型 MODEROID 1/60《機動警察》ARL-99 Helldiver(再販)4,200Yen連稅
MODEROID ARL-99 Helldiver
出自動畫《機動警察》,隸屬陸上自衛隊的空降Labor「ARL-99 Helldiver」化身為1/60比例組裝模型!將劇中樣貌製成寫實的模型。各關節為可動設計,並還原減速板展開的樣式。附有40mm速射砲、戰鬥刀、頭部零件備品。主要材質為PS&ABS,裝甲、關節、透明部分等各以不同成型色分色,並附有上色完成零件與能重現各處標誌的水轉印貼紙,組裝起來便能重現近似原作的樣貌。
MODEROID ARL-99 Helldiver
The tiger cub Type-99 is moving out! Presenting a 1/60th scale ARL-99 Helldiver!
From the anime series “Mobile Police Patlabor” comes a 1/60 scale plastic model kit of the ARL-99 Helldiver! The robot has been carefully recreated based on its appearance from the series. The model features several points of articulation, and its dive brakes can be displayed opened. It’s 40mm cannon, combat knife and spare head part are all included. The model is made from ABS and PS plastic. Its various parts have been separated into different colored runners, and pre-painted parts and water-slide decals are included, making it easy to recreate the robot from the series with a simple assembly.
仕様: PS&ABS製組み立て式プラスチックモデル・1/60スケール・全高:約135mm