threezero 2016年3月14日上午9時(香港時間)起預購: 1/6 Action Figure《猛鬼追魂3 (Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth)》Pinhead HK$1,520/US$195(包括郵遞費用)

hreezero經典恐怖電影系列第一彈,猛鬼追魂3:地獄之城 1/6 人偶正式公佈。3月14日早上9時正於 接受預購,定價 HK1520 / USD 195(包括郵遞費用)

以12英寸/30.5厘米高可動素體製作,逼真的頭雕配上金屬釘子以精湛的手工製作出邪惡的“地獄修道者”「針頭人」(Pinhead),經典道具「哀痛之盒」(Lament Configuration)魔術方塊,考究剪裁重現其招牌的黑色裝束以及身上的鐵鉤及鐵環。將令人難忘的恐怖傑作“地獄修道者”完全重現你眼前!


猛鬼追魂3:地獄之城 1/6 人偶 – 「針頭人」(Pinhead)詳細內容:
*「哀痛之盒」(Lament Configuration)魔術方塊;

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1/6th scale Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth – Pinhead collectible

We are excited to announce that 1/6th scale Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth – Pinhead collectible is introducing our Horror Movie Heritage series and will be available for pre-order at starting from March 14th 9:00AM Hong Kong time for USD 195 / HKD 1520 with Worldwide Shipping included in the price. Threezero’s Horror Movie Heritage series will see many more icons of the horror film genre developed in the Threezero 1/6th scale style that you know and love!

Collectible stands 12 inches / 30.5 cm tall, features head sculpt with metal pins and hooks capturing realistic likeness of Pinhead portrayed in Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth movie; comes with Lemarchand’s Box (known so well to all fans of the series) and interchangeable hands. For this release we created an authentic and tailored replica of Cenobite’s striking black costume and of course a set of bladed torture devices and scalpel hanging at Pinhead’s waist.

Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth – Pinhead collectible details:
*Fully-poseable figure stands at 12 inches/ 30.5cm tall;
*Head sculpt with realistic likeness to the character portrayed in Hellraiser 3;
*Real metal pins and hooks;
*An authentic, tailored replica of the Cenobite’s striking black costume with delightfully chilling realism, complete with gory hooks and piercings.
*A disturbing inventory of bladed torture devices & scalpel hanging at his waist;
*Comes with Lemarchand’s Box (the Lament Configuration).
*Interchangeable hands:
-outstretched hand (for holding Lemarchand’s Box)
-relaxed hand
-open hand with pins.