HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure Stan Lee

Hot Toys今天懷著興奮的心情以粉絲身份榮幸推出被譽為「美國漫畫超級英雄之父」的Stan Lee (史丹李) 1:6比例珍藏人偶!
Stan Lee是美國漫畫界的傳奇人物,他筆下的英雄角色陪伴著無數年青人成長,包括: 《蜘蛛俠》、《鐵甲奇俠》、《變形俠醫》等,所有漫畫作品都包含複雜又人性化的人物角色和一個能與人類完全共享的世界。
隨著Marvel超級英雄電影的大熱,影迷們屢屢從這些電影中尋找到一位帶著眼鏡的白髮老翁,經常客串扮演一些灰諧角色,而這人正是鼎鼎有名的Stan Lee。就如最近的《蟻俠》電影,Stan Lee出現在片尾部分,客串飾演一名酒保,雖然演出時間只有短短數秒,但已足夠讓Marvel粉絲驚喜萬分。他今年已年屆92歲,但仍然抱持一顆赤子之心,還經常參與電影演出,可見他對漫畫及電影的高度熱愛!
此款Stan Lee珍藏人偶備有細緻雕刻的頭雕、特別製作的手臂及手掌、精心剪裁的服裝、兩款眼鏡、手錶、墨水筆及導演椅!相信不論是鍾情美國超級英雄電影的擁躉還是崇拜Stan Lee的您,都絕不能錯過收藏這個傳奇神人的珍藏人偶!

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Stan Lee

He is a creator of numerous superheroes. He has brought joy and excitement to comic book readers all around the world. In various superhero movies over the years, his cameos have lightened up the scenes and sometimes surprises movie-goers. Today, celebrating the opening of Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo 2015, Hot Toys is thrilled to officially present the 1/6th scale collectible figure of this living legend – Stan Lee!

The highly-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of Stan Lee. It features a newly developed head sculpt, meticulously sculpted hands and arms, finely tailored outfit, a director’s chair, detailed accessories, and figure stand.