GOODSMILE 2016年3月17日發售: 1/8 PVC Figure《Lovelive!》矢澤妮歌 Picnic Girl 10,000Yen連稅
Nico Yazawa: Picnic Girl
Nico Yazawa headed for a picnic in the highest of spirits!
From the popular anime series ‘LoveLive!’ comes a 1/8th scale figure of Nico Yazawa. The figure is a part of the LoveLive! Cafe Campaign in AKIHABARA, where fans all over Japan voted on which LoveLive! character is best suited for a picnic in the early Summer – the character that you would most like to go on a picnic with! The winner of the contest was Nico Yazawa, who then had this special illustration drawn of her to commemorate the victory!
Now that illustration has been transformed into a figure which shows off Nico’s healthy and energetic body, as well as her dynamic pose that instantly catches the eye! The cute smile on her face is sure to make anyone who looks her way feel uplifted and ready for another day!
矢澤にこ ピクニックガール
大人気TVアニメ『ラブライブ!』より、「矢澤にこ」が1/8スケールフィギュアで登場です。“風薫る『ラブライブ!』カフェキャンペーン in AKIHABARA”の企画として、初夏の爽やかな季節に、一緒にピクニックに行きたい、ピクニックが似合う、など皆様のイメージする『ピクニックガール』への投票を全国で募り、見事1位に輝いた「矢澤にこ」の描き下ろしご褒美イラストが遂にフィギュア化。健康的で元気いっぱいの躍動感のあるポーズが魅力的。洋服の皺や質感も緻密に再現しました。思わず見ているほうも元気になるキラキラの笑顔を是非ご堪能ください。
仕様: ABS&PVC製塗装済み完成品・1/8スケール・専用台座付属・全高:約200mm
原型制作: カタハライタシ