[New Photos added] Sky X Studio 2025年3月~4月發售: 合金可動人偶 SXD合金 SXD-14 Getter Robo G HK$1,798 (Remark: skyxstudio Online Shop訂購附限定特典parts)

SXD-14 Getter Robo G

戰鬥永遠不會止息!於動畫蓋特機器人G裹,由流龍馬專用一人駕駛的Getter Robo G 現正霸氣登場!今次機體身高26.5cm,除了一慣可拆除裝甲展現高密度細節內構之外,塗裝亦比以往的增強了金屬感!
在武裝部分包含斧頭轉動特效、兩把Getter Tomahawk、可發光的 Mach Wing;當然重點推介是採用了磁控發光及動轉的Getter Laser Cannon (ゲッターレーザーキャノン)!玩家除了可以用Laser Cannon擺出真正的動感造型外,亦可以跟Getter Tomahawk合體以添玩味,令玩具不再只是擺設!

產品名稱:SXD-14 Getter Robo G

1.主體x1 (頭部可發光)
12.膊頭戰斧出場特效 x2 (官網 https://skyxstudio.shop限定)
官方零售價: 港幣$1798
預計發售日期: 2025年3-4月

SXD-14 Getter Robo G

The fight never ends! From anime series by Toei Animation based on Hundred Demons Empire arc of Getter Robo manga, we are proudly represent the Getter Robo G which is solely piloted by Ryoma Nagare; is now our next Mecha from the Getter Robo series! The over 32cm tall diecast figure has a wide range of features; beside with the highly detailed internal structure, more heavy metallic coating has been applied on the armor parts from our previous Mecha.
From the accessories, it comes with the Spinning Axe effect, two pcs of Getter Tomahawk and the LED light up Mach Wing. Another highly expected accessory is the Getter Laser Cannon, it is adopted with Magnetic control LED light and Electronic spinning tip; the laser cannon also enable to assemble with the Getter Tomahawk which becomes a deadly weapon! With all these gimmicks, collectors can experience the massive and powerful cannon!

Product name:SXD-14 Getter Robo G
-Licensed by DYNAMIC Planning
-Material:ABS, PVC, Diecast
-High Articulation Robot

Part list:
1. Getter G figure (Led lightup head)
2.Getter Laser Cannon x1
3.Getter Tomahawk x2
4.Interchangeable hand types x9
5.Mach Wing x1
6.sawtooth x2
7.Spinning Axe effect x1
8.transparent stand x1
9.robot stand x1
10.Ryoma Nagare miniature figure
11.Base x1
12.Getter Tomahawk popping effect x2 (Web Exclusive https://skyxstudio.shop)
**Actual product might be slight different from the prototype**
Release date: Mar-Apr/2025