屁屁偵探電影人氣回歸 《屁屁偵探電影:再見親愛的夥伴,屁屁啊》8月15日上映
同步加映短篇電影《萬事OK俱樂部 VS 怪盜U》
2024年7月17日-由日本團隊Troll創作之人氣兒童繪本系列作品《屁屁偵探》,今個暑假帶來第五部電影作品《屁屁偵探電影:再見親愛的夥伴,屁屁啊》!今次屁屁偵探一方面重遇舊拍擋「水仙」卻未能分辨這位舊朋友是敵是友,另一方面與新拍擋㩦手展開激烈的戰鬥,可惜在過程中卻身受重傷,更迎來史上最大的謎團!今集將同步加映短篇電影《萬事OK俱樂部 VS 怪盜U》,講述由現任拍檔所率領的萬事 OK 俱樂部為了保護美術館與畫作的奮鬥歷程!《屁屁偵探電影:再見親愛的夥伴,屁屁啊》+ 《萬事OK俱樂部 VS 怪盜U》粵語版將於8月15日在香港上映!
電影公司特設有獎填色遊戲,而填色紙現正於香港及澳門指定戲院派發,誠邀小粉絲們激發出無窮創作意念,得以發揮具個人特色的填色技巧。參賽者必須為年齡12歲或以下,而得獎名額逾8個,優異獎得獎者將各得《屁屁偵探電影:再見親愛的夥伴,屁屁啊》電影換票證2張及電影限量版「屁屁偵探3D爆谷桶」一個,值得珍貴珍藏!詳細比賽條款及細則請參閱A Really Happy Film HK社交平台。
Return of Butt Detective Movie
” Butt Detective the Movie: Farewell, My Lovely Partner, Butt Detective” to be released on August 15th
Accompanied by the short film “We can solve anything club vs. Phantom U”
Coloring contest open for entries
The popular children’s picture book series ” Butt Detective” created by the Japanese team Troll is bringing the fifth movie installment ” Butt Detective the Movie: Farewell, My Lovely Partner, Butt Detective!” this summer vacation. This time, Butt Detective not only reunites with his old partner ” Suisen” but is also unable to determine whether this old friend is friend or foe. On the other hand, he joins hands with a new partner to engage in an intense battle, but unfortunately suffers serious injuries in the process, facing the biggest mystery ever!
This installment will be accompanied by the short film “We can solve anything club vs. Phantom U”.The Cantonese version of ” Butt Detective the Movie: Farewell, My Lovely Partner, Butt Detective!” + “We can solve anything club vs. Phantom U” will be released in Hong Kong on August 15th.
The film company knows that all the little fans are eager to watch this brand new ” Butt Detective the Movie” during the summer vacation, and will be sneak show on August 10-11 with movie souvenirs. Butt Detective’s little fans must not miss it! This summer, join Detective to uncover the truth of the incident!
The film company has also set up a coloring contest, and coloring papers are now being distributed at designated cinemas in Hong Kong and Macau, inviting little fans to unleash their boundless creative ideas and demonstrate their unique coloring skills. Participants must be 12 years old or under, and there are over 8 winning slots. Outstanding award winners will each receive 2 movie tickets for “Butt Detective the Movie: Farewell, My Lovely Partner, Butt Detective!” and a limited edition ” Butt Detective 3D Popcorn Bucket”, which are valuable collectibles! Please refer to the A Really Happy Film HK social media platform for detailed contest rules and regulations.
Synopsis of ” Butt Detective the Movie: Farewell, My Lovely Partner, Butt Detective”
A box of chocolates arrives at the Butt Detective Agency—a message from his former partner, Suisen.
Suisen, now working at the Metto Art Museum in Hattan Town, has found that many of their paintings have been switched out with counterfeits (fakes).
These counterfeits were created none other than by her teacher, Kinmoku.
As paintings continue to be switched out in many other museums, Suisen asks Butt Detective to expose this conspiracy orchestrated by a humongous secret society. She requests that he save Kinmoku too, who is being forced to work as their prisoner. But her changed behavior after the last ten years seems very curious to Butt Detective. Is she a friend or foe?