HOT TOYS 預定2025年第1季~2025年第2季發售: 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars: Ahsoka》Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars) HK$1,630

【Hot Toys《阿蘇嘉》安納金天行者(複製人戰爭) 1:6比例珍藏人偶 
極像真頭雕復刻安納金年輕俊俏容貌 重現劇集複製人戰爭時期造型!】

Hot Toys 今天隆重發佈星球大戰原創影集《阿蘇嘉》系列新作!製作團隊參考《阿蘇嘉》第五集回憶場景,憑藉高度細緻的雕刻及塗裝工藝,將演員Hayden Christensen所飾演複製人戰爭時期的年輕安納金天行者之英俊容貌極像真再現,同時細膩還原絕地武士服造型設定,以皇牌高規格1:6比例珍藏人偶演繹這位星戰宇宙中最富深度的經典角色,讓每位星戰粉絲都能身臨其境地感受到「天選之子」安納金天行者所散發的魅力!
Hot Toys忠實根據本次真人化影集《阿蘇嘉》第五集出現的阿蘇嘉回憶場景,韓國頭雕師於精細的1:6比例頭雕上以全人手工藝雕刻角色立體的五官輪廓及一頭棕色捲髮,再運用高超的上色塗裝技術刻畫臉上逼真自然的皮膚紋理、毛孔細節以及右眼傷疤,細微詮釋劇中年輕安納金的面部表情神髓,同時雙眼更採用獨立可動眼球技術讓玩家可自行微調眼神,將安納金一對透視靈魂的深邃雙眸及超俊帥外型顯露得栩栩如生!
珍藏人偶配用31cm高的男性專用素體,全身逾30個可動關節,能靈活擺放多款大幅度揮舞光劍的姿勢。設計師亦參照真實戲服以複合材質精心縫製整套複製人戰爭時期的絕地武士服飾,包括: 深藍色無袖絕地武士外袍、深紅色長袖武士道服、飾有戰損塗裝的灰色胸甲、刻有Jedi Order標誌的左肩甲、精緻的手臂護套、仿皮革腰帶、深紅色長褲及一對長靴。附上一把LED發光的安納金專屬藍色光劍、兩款光劍刃、兩個特效組件模擬光劍格擋能量束時的效果、以及一把可懸掛在腰帶上的光劍柄,同時配置阿蘇嘉、歐比王·肯諾比和雷克斯上尉的仿全息影像裝置、多款可替換手型以及特別設計人偶地台,足本重現安納金天行者於複製人戰爭時期的年輕風采,配搭Hot Toys《阿蘇嘉》系列阿蘇嘉(絕地學徒) 1:6比例珍藏人偶,將安納金帶領著小阿蘇嘉執行任務及師傅徒弟之間激動人心的情景神級還原,星戰迷必須收藏!

【Star Wars: Ahsoka™ 1/6th scale Anakin Skywalker™ (Clone Wars) Collectible Figure】
“This is war, Ahsoka.” – Anakin Skywalker
As the Star WarsClone Wars had begun, Jedi became generals and commanders in the war against the Separatists. Aware of Anakin’s shortcomings and his tendency to forge strong emotional attachments, Yoda assigned Anakin a Padawan learner: Ahsoka Tano. Yoda hoped that Skywalker would learn how to let go of his student as she grew, which was key for Anakin. While Anakin bristled at first to this appointment, a strong bond grew between teacher and student. They had many adventures together, and as Ahsoka matured, so did Anakin.
Hot Toys is excited to present today, the brand new 1/6th scale Anakin Skywalker™ collectible figure based on his Clone Wars appearance in the World Between Worlds as seen in the Ahsoka live-action series.
The greatly detailed collectible figure features a brand-new head sculpt with amazing likeness, separate rolling eyeballs to adjust the eyesight and detailed hair sculpture, expertly tailored Jedi general outfit, a LED light-up Lightsaber™ powered by USB, a variety of accessories, and a sand themed display base!

The 1/6th scale Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars) Collectible Figure specially features:
– Authentic and detailed likeness of Anakin Skywalker wearing Clone Wars outfit in Star Wars: Ahsoka
– One (1) newly developed head sculpt with face scar and separate rolling eyeballs
– Screen-accurate facial expression, and detailed skin texture
– Newly sculpted medium length curly hair sculpture
– Body with over 30 points of articulations
– Approximately 31 cm tall
– Seven (7) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
– One (1) pair of Lightsaber holding hands
– One (1) pair of relax hands
– One (1) pair of fists
– One (1) gesture left hand
– Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

– One (1) grey colored chest guard
– One (1) pair of grey colored shoulder guards
– One (1) navy colored Jedi tunic
– One (1) burgundy colored under-tunic
– One (1) pair of burgundy-colored pants
– One (1) dark brown-colored leather-like belt
– One (1) pair of dark brown-colored leather-like textured boots

– One (1) LED-lighted Lightsaber™ with blade (blue light, USB power operated)
– One (1) Lightsaber™ blade in motion (attachable to the hilt)
– One (1) Lightsaber hilt

– Two (2) Lightsaber deflecting effects (attachable to lightsaber blade)
– One (1) Ahsoka Tano™ hologram
– One (1) Obi-Wan Kenobi™ hologram
– One (1) Captain Rex™ hologram
– One (1) holocaster
– Specially designed figure stand and with character nameplate and Star Wars logo

Release date: Approximately Q1 – Q2, 2025

*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Light up function operated using USB power
***USB connecting cable is not included for collectible, USB-C cable is required
****Product details could be subjected to change without further notice

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