TOYS ALLIANCE 2024年10月發售: 1/18 Full Action Figure Series Acid Rain FAV-A113 Bob(Sandstorm Version) (鮑勃(沙暴版))
Toys Alliance X Acid Rain
FAV-A113 鮑勃(沙暴版)
比例:3.75吋 1/18
– Bob(Sandstorm Version) / 鮑勃(沙暴版) / ジャック (砂嵐バージョン) x 1
– Comandante T2 Tactical Assault Rifle / 「司令官」T2 戰術突擊步槍 / 「コマンダンテ」 T2 タクティカル自動小銃 x 1
– Coretta Elite Pistol / 科雷塔精英手槍 / 「コレッタ」 エリート ピストル x 1
– TK-56 Tactical Knife / TK-56戰術刀 /TK-56 タクティカルナイフ x 1
– Grenade / 手榴彈 / 手榴弾 x 2
– Pulse Grenade / 脈衝手榴彈 / パルスグレネード x 3
Toys Alliance X Acid Rain
FAV-A113 Bob(Sandstorm Version)
Scale:3.75inch 1/18
When President Aldaman was informed that Agurtan scouts had discovered evidence of the lost Great Estancian Library, he immediately dispatched a unit from the 88th Sand Division to retrieve any and all knowledge that might be of value to the Agurts Federation. The unit successfully established a base of operations at the site, but then all contact was lost – the last message received suggested a surprise attack by Omangan forces. President Aldaman was uncertain of how to proceed, but Senator Broz suggested sending the Bucks Team to see if they could salvage the mission. Bob was chosen as Expedition Leader. He felt unsure about the chances of success, but refused to lose hope even against despairing odds. This was one of Bucks Team’s greatest trials: Operation Sandstorm.