HOT TOYS 預定2025年第1季~2025年第2季發售: 1/6 Action Figure《水行俠與失落王國》黑蝠魟 (Black Manta) HK$1,530

重裝升級高科技戰衣搭載遠古神器黑暗三叉戟 邪惡勢力再次甦醒!】

溫子仁導演執導的DC超級英雄鉅作《水行俠與失落王國》上映後話題十足,為影迷帶來一場刺激磅礡的終極對決,打造出銀幕上前所未見、繽紛奇幻的DC宏大世界觀! Hot Toys 今天隆重發佈電影中的重要反派角色——黑蝠魟1:6比例珍藏人偶,將水行俠的頭號死敵活現眼前!
「我要殺死水行俠,摧毀他珍視的一切,將他的王國燒為灰燼!」 — 黑蝠魟
黑蝠魟(Black Manta)具有強大的格斗技能及高科技戰鬥服,今集帶著古老邪惡力量和全面升級的裝備回歸,戰鬥力變得比以往更加強勁。他不惜代價誓要報殺父之仇,毀掉水行俠所擁有的一切。Hot Toys參照本集設定,配用高約34cm的1:6比例肌肉型專用素體,選取具彈性與質感的布料剪裁縫製出全黑色流線型緊身戰衣,全身具有逾30個可動關節,忠實呈現黑蝠魟於水底、陸上、空中極為靈活的作戰姿態。同時精心還原特殊設計、堅不可摧的銀色頭盔,包括前方極之搶眼的一雙紅色巨眼,不但具有LED發光燈效,於黑暗中呈現強烈的視覺效果,更另外增設多一對戰損眼部配件供玩家替換呈現電影劇情。
武裝方面,隨人偶附上多對可替換造型手掌與人偶地台,亦備有一支黑鐵色和一支透明綠色的三叉戟,兩支三叉戟均備有完整和分拆模式,還原電影中分開使用與合二為一的設定,務求復刻黑蝠魟揮舞著傳說中失落王國的遠古神器「黑暗三叉戟」的多款形態!立即預訂Hot Toys黑蝠魟1:6比例珍藏人偶,帶領你體驗空前絕後的史詩級海底大戰!

【Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom – 1/6th scale Black Manta Collectible Figure】

Black Manta has long been regarded as one of Aquaman’s greatest adversaries, driven by a deep-seated hatred for the King of Atlantis. For many years, the true identity and motives of Black Manta remained shrouded in mystery, concealed behind his imposing oversized helmet. However, in more recent times, Black Manta’s true motivations have been revealed, shedding light on the depth of his animosity towards Aquaman.
Today, Hot Toys is thrilled to officially introduce Black Manta as 1/6th scale collectible figure from the Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom!

The collectible figure is expertly crafted based on the appearance of Black Manta in the movie. It features a newly crafted metallic silver Black Manta helmet with red LED light-up function, also interchangeable battle damaged eyes. His iconic suit is skillfully tailored through specialized material to enhance articulation range, comes with a LED lighted accelerator backpack which is an essential part of his outfit design. Along with a splittable Trident in black and an additional one in translucent green that mimics the activation of the trident, interchangeable hands and a base for display.

The 1/6th scale Black Manta Collectible Figure specially features:
– Authentic and detailed likeness of Black Manta in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom movie
– One (1) newly crafted LED-lighted Black Manta helmet (red light, USB power operated) with two (2) pairs of interchangeable eyes (normal and battle damaged)
– Approximately 34cm tall
– Specialized body with over 30 points of articulation
– Six (6) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
– One (1) pair of Trident holding hands
– One (1) pair of relax hands
– One (1) left fist
– One (1) open right hand

– One (1) specially tailored Black Manta suit with silver colored armor plate
– One (1) silver colored accelerator backpack with LED light function (USB power operated)
– One (1) silver colored right forearm armor
– One (1) pair of black colored armor-like boots

– One (1) Black Trident (splittable)
– One (1) translucent green Trident (splittable)

– One (1) watch
– Specially designed themed figure stand with character name

Release date: Approximately Q1 – Q2, 2025

*Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval
**Light up function operated using USB power
***USB connecting cable is not included
****Product details could be subjected to change without further notice

AQUAMAN AND THE LOST KINGDOM and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s24)