HOT TOYS 預定2024年第4季~2025年第1季發售: 1/6 Action Figure《無限可能:假如…?》薩卡鐵甲奇俠 (Sakaarian Iron Man) HK$3,130

配置全新Tony Stark頭盔造型頭雕 個性化機體設計搭載巨輪組件震撼登場!】

MARVEL《無限可能:假如…?》原創動畫中以多重宇宙打破了各種可能性,重新改寫每位超級英雄的故事發展,在《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》電影宇宙中,我們熟悉的經典角色Tony Stark以鐵甲奇俠Mark LXXXV的形象廣為人知,然而,在另一條時間線分支上,Tony Stark則以薩卡鐵甲奇俠的身份走上了一條截然不同的道路。Hot Toys 今天正式發佈此款外觀極具視覺震撼的薩卡鐵甲奇俠1:6比例珍藏人偶,帶領漫威迷進入平行時空,展開一場薩卡奇幻旅程!為迎接第二季《無限可能:假如…?》於今個聖誕隆重上線,由即日起至2024年1月14日,顧客更可享有期間限定優惠價,粉絲記得把握機會預訂!
Hot Toys製作團隊忠於動畫設定,為薩卡鐵甲奇俠 (Sakaarian Iron Man) 全新打造了高逾36cm規格的大型專用機體,頭盔眼部及胸前裝甲均配置LED燈效。此套重型鐵甲奇俠擁有多達28個高可動關節,讓收藏家可以自由擺動機械手腳展示多款形態。同時,團隊還全新設計了可揭式磁吸面罩頭盔,蓋上面罩時雙眼會綻放白色光芒,揭開面罩即展示全新的Tony Stark頭盔造型頭雕。頭雕師運用高清擬人技術,細膩雕刻他精緻的五官輪廓特徵及標誌性鬍鬚,把動畫角色真實呈現,足本演繹他手握控制裝置操控份量感十足的薩卡鐵甲奇俠之經典場面。

【What If…? – 1/6th scale Sakaarian Iron Man Collectible Figure】

In the Marvel Studios’ What If…? animated series, Tony Stark’s character continues beyond Iron Man Mark LXXXV from Avengers: Endgame and takes on a different path in an alternate reality as Sakaarian Iron Man. The armor combines the iconic character of Iron Man with the unique setting and aesthetic of Sakaar, a planet renowned for its gladiatorial games and diverse alien population. This fusion created a distinctive portrayal of Iron Man.
To build excitement for the official release of What If…? season 2, Hot Toys is expanding on the multiverse concept and offering fans an opportunity to experience new and imaginative variations of beloved characters. Presenting to fans the Sakaarian Iron Man as a visually striking 1/6th scale collectible figure from What If…? collection.
Skillfully crafted based on the appearance of Sakaarian Iron Man, the one-sixth scale figure stands 36cm in height, features Tony Stark’s head sculpt with magnetic LED light-up face armor. The intricate armor designs, inspired by the planet’s culture, further enhance the visual appeal of the figure. Vibrant colors and tribal influences contribute to the unique and striking appearance of Sakaarian Iron Man. This interpretation of Iron Man could feature modifications and upgrades specific to Sakaar, adapting to the challenges and conditions of the planet.

The 1/6th scale Sakaarian Iron Man Collectible Figure specially features:
– Authentic and detailed likeness of Sakaarian Iron Man in Marvel Studios’ What If…? animation series
– One (1) newly developed Tony Stark head sculpt with magnetic LED light-up face armor (power operated)
– Face armor with magnetic design to reveal details of face sculpt and skin texture
– Screen-accurate facial expression with detailed skin texture
– Approximately 36cm tall
– Specialized body with over 28 points of articulations
– Special features on armor:
– Orange, red, blue and yellow colored painting on Sakaarian Iron Man armor
– Chest armor with LED light-up function (power operated)
– One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers
– Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Light up function operated using USB power
***USB connecting cable is not included for collectible, USB cable is required
****Product details can subject to change without further notice

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