TOYS ALLIANCE 2024年6月發售: 1/18 Full Action Figure Series Acid Rain FAV-A104 Imani

Toys Alliance X Acid Rain FAV-A104 伊瑪尼
比例:3.75吋 1/18


– Imani / 伊瑪尼 / イマーニ x 1
– Gas Mask / 防毒面具 / ガスマスク x 1
– Coretta Elite Pistol / 科雷塔精英手槍 / 「コレッタ」 エリート ピストル x 1
– Comandante T2 Tactical Assault Rifle / 「司令官」T2 戰術突擊步槍 / 「コマンダンテ」 T2 タクティカル自動小銃 x 1
– Helmet / 頭盔 / ヘルメット x 1
– Walkie-Talkie / 無線對講機 / トランシーバー / x 1
– Machine Gun Magazine / 機槍彈匣 / 機関銃マガジン x 2
– Belt bag / 腰包 / ベルトバッグ x 1
– AM-27 Landmine / AM-27 地雷 / AM-27 地雷 x 1

Toys Alliance X Acid Rain FAV-A104 Imani
Release Date:END OF JUN 2024
Scale:3.75inch 1/18

Imani grew up in the refugee camp of Agurts. Whenever bandits attempted to raid the camp, the Hellbenders, a special division under the command of the 88th Sand Team, would swoop in and protect them from all harm. Little surprise, then, that Imani admired the Hellbenders. The Hellbenders were originally formed with refugees, people just like her. Imani wanted to join them so that she, too, could protect her fellow friends and family, and to help those sharing the same fate. She even faked her age, signed up and trained hard as a mere little girl, just to receive training earlier than others.
After Captain Donovan went missing, Spencer, the leader of Hellbenders, started to drown his sorrows by drinking. The Hellbenders began slacking off and even abusing their powers; they were a mess. Imani, on the other hand, had always stayed focused and trained hard, and with her strong will and clear mind, she soon became an excellent team player and role model on the squad, which inspired Spencer to reflect on himself. And so, Spencer promoted Imani to become his right-hand woman in the hopes that she might inspire him as his old comrade used to do, and that she might reinvigorate the former glory of the famous Agurtan squadron.