壽屋 2024年4月發售: 1/7 PVC Figure TRANSFORMERS美少女 星星叫 17,000Yen (Remark: 壽屋訂購附限定特典)


Product Series BISHOUJO series
Scale 1/7
Size 215mm tall
Specifications Pre-Painted Figure
Product Material PVC (Phthalate-free)・ABS
Age Rating Ages 15 and up
Sculptor(s) TSUBAME

Based on the enthralling toy concept of everyday objects transforming into robot-like lifeforms, the Transformers series has captivated the world with its films and cartoons.

Since 1984, this series has been loved by people from all walks of life across the globe and now, Hasbro, Takara Tomy, and Kotobukiya have teamed up to create the new TRANSFORMERS BISHOUJO series!

Laying the foundations for the still beloved series, the first generation, THE TRANSFORMERS (or G1 for short), have been given a BISHOUJO-style makeover by Shunya Yamashita.

Starscream, the Air Commander of the Decepticons, makes a long-awaited arrival to the series!

Underneath an ambitious, cunning smirk, Starscream’s false loyalty is represented by a precisely done necktie. The active design of the survival jacket she wears is reminiscent of a jet pilot and sports the color scheme of Starscream’s original robot design.

The wings have been recreated as a gym bag slung over her shoulder, reminiscent of the transformation feature of the original design.

Displaying her alongside the previously released TRANSFORMERS MEGATRON BISHOUJO STATUE will most certainly make her stand out even more!

SKYWARP and THUNDERCRACKER are also currently in development! Don’t miss out on the imposing form of all the Seekers together by adding them to your collection today!

Roll out!

*This deluxe edition for the KOTOBUKIYA SHOP and overseas includes an interchangeable face part of Starscream begging Megatron for forgiveness after being scolded.

TRANSFORMERS美少女 スタースクリーム

作品 トランスフォーマー
シリーズ BISHOUJOシリーズ
スケール 1/7
製品サイズ 全高215mm(台座込み)
製品仕様 塗装済完成品フィギュア(一部組立含む)
素材 PVC(非フタル酸)・ABS
対象年齢 15歳以上
原型製作 燕






発売中の「TRANSFORMERS美少女 メガトロン」と並べることで更に引き立つこと間違いなし!さらに同シリーズの「スカイワープ」「サンダークラッカー」も発売決定!ジェットロン達の勇姿をお見逃しなく!
