壽屋 2024年1月發售:1/6 PVC Figure《福音戰士新劇場版》綾波麗 ~affectionate gaze~ 19,500Yen

Rei Ayanami~affectionate gaze~

Scale 1/6
Product Size 220mm tall
Specification Pre-Painted PVC Figure
Material PVC (Phthalate-free)・ABS
Sculptor Tsukuru Shirahige

From EVANGELION:3.0+1.0 THRICE UPON A TIME, Rei Ayanami is joining Kotobukiya’s figure lineup with an affectionate gaze in her eyes.

As seen in EVANGELION:3.0+1.0 THRICE UPON A TIME, this Rei comes to life as a 1/6 scale figure, which depicts her with long hair just as she appears in the final act.

Everything from the original posing design to the actual making of the sculpt was managed by Tsukuru Shirahige, the craftsman behind many of the Evangelion statues in this series.

All carefully calculated, her long and beautifully flowing hair, downcast eyes, and gentle smile give off a motherly warmth and compassion. Even her eyelashes have been carefully sculpted in order to bring more depth to her expression and further accentuate her downcast eyes.

Subtle changes in expression can also be seen by viewing the figure from different angles.

Add this new Rei Ayanami figure from the mind of Kotobukiya’s Tsukuru Shirahige to your collection today.

綾波レイ~affectionate gaze~

作品 シン・エヴァンゲリオン劇場版
シリーズ PVC塗装済み完成品フィギュア
スケール 1/6
製品サイズ 全高:約220mm(台座含む)
製品仕様 PVC塗装済み完成品フィギュア
素材 PVC(非フタル酸)・ABS
原型製作 白髭 創



本フィギュアはポージングの考案から、原型製作までをこれまで数々の「エヴァンゲリオン」シリーズのフィギュア制作を手がけてきた白髭 創が担当。




壽屋の白髭 創がお送りする「綾波レイ」のフィギュアを