壽屋 2023年12月發售: 模型 1/1 MEGAMI DEVICE Chaos & Pretty – Queen of Hearts 8,000Yen (Remark: 壽屋Shop訂購附限定特典)

Chaos & Pretty QUEEN OF HEARTS

Scale 1/1
Product Size 220mm tall
Specification Plastic Model
Parts 201~400
Sculptor Masaki Apsy, Hiro, Noritaka Fukumoto, Shunichi Karashima, Task, Mitsunobu Tamura and Toriwo Toriyama, Amam(eye print)

ntroducing a new model from the Megami Device series, a plastic model kit series combining bishoujo-style beauties and heavy-duty weapons and armor. A Chaos & Pretty model outfitted with M.S.Gs. The powered-up version of Alice, QUEEN OF HEARTS, joins the series lineup!

This model is thus enhanced by using the Chaos & Pretty Alice model kit as a base and adding newly sculpted parts and EXCEED BINDER2.
Users can enjoy freely creating a variety of forms with the new crescent-shaped equipment parts.

Megami Device is a plastic model kit series where users can enjoy equipping weapons and armor to articulated bishoujo-style beauties. The “machinika” body designed by Masaki Apsy allows you to create more dynamic and beautiful poses with this model.

The mixed concept of this model was jointly proposed by Megami Device producer Toriwo Toriyama and hobby magazine writer, Fuzzy. The detailing of the additional parts was handled by the sculptor Task. Nagi Ryo of the Chaos & Pretty series then consolidated the details into this overall new character design.

Model Specifications:
・By combining large, bladed horn parts and M.S.G EXCEED BINDER2, a new Chaos & Pretty is created.
・The newly sculpted parts feature expansion capabilities and accessories with card suit patterns, allowing users to enjoy original customizations.
・The model comes with three newly designed pre-painted face parts.
・The parts can be configured to display the model in full armor for “Armed Mode,” or without armor for “Unarmed Mode.”
・The “machinika” base body boasts an impressive range of flexibility, allowing it to be displayed in a variety of natural poses, such as holding a weapon at the ready or sitting down.
・The kit includes a variety of weapons and joint parts that can be used to create different combat scenes.
・Due to the 3mm connection points on each part and the compatibility of the head, this model can be customized with existing M.S.G, Frame Arms, Frame Arms Girl, Hexa Gear, Sousai Shojo Teien, and Arcanadea series parts.
・The kit includes decals for the eyes.

Chaos & Pretty クイーン・オブ・ハート

作品 メガミデバイス
シリーズ キャラクタープラモデル
スケール 1/1
製品サイズ 全高:約220mm
製品仕様 プラモデル
パーツ数 201~400
素材 PS・ABS・POM・PVC(非フタル酸)
原型製作 浅井真紀、緋路、福元徳宝、辛嶋俊一、たすく、田村充伸、鳥山とりを、雨間(アイプリント)

M.S.Gを纏ったChaos & Pretty。“アリス”がパワーアップ型“クイーン・オブ・ハート”となって登場!

Chaos & Pretty アリスをベースに新規造形パーツとエクシードバインダー2を組み合わせて強化しました。大きな鎌状の新武装パーツを用いて様々な形態をお楽しみいただけます!

メガミデバイスは可動美少女素体にウェポンやアーマーを装着して楽しむ組み立て式プラモデルシリーズです。 ミキシングコンセプト提案をメガミデバイスプロデューサー鳥山とりをと模型誌ライターのファジー氏が共同で、追加パーツディテーリングを原型製作のたすく氏が担当。Chaos&Prettyシリーズの凪良氏が新キャラクタートータルデザインとしてまとめました。

