HOT TOYS 預定2024年第2季~2024年第3季發售: 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars: The Mandalorian》IG-12 With Accessories Collectible Set HK$2,290
【Hot Toys第三季《曼達洛人》IG-12 連配件 1:6比例珍藏套裝
從戰鬥機器人到Grogu最強私人座駕 高度呈現精密機械結構與逼真鏽蝕質感】
Hot Toys 現以《曼達洛人》第三季系列,發佈 ─ IG-12 連配件 1:6比例珍藏套裝!IG-12原型為戰鬥機器人IG-11,於第三季被機器人專家Anzellan Droidsmiths 所改造,成為Grogu最強的私人座駕。回顧IG-11 已早於第一季登場,與曼達洛人一樣收到尋找到「孩子」的任務,是一個令人印象深刻的機器人角色。第三季透過改裝復活的IG-12,並化身成1:6比例珍藏人偶,星戰迷絕對值得入手吧!
Hot Toys特別按角色比例全新打造了逾高36cm的機械骨架,備有逾28個可動關節。從造型來看,整體以厚重的金屬色為主調,高度再現了 IG-11 標誌性的長型頭部,頭部內置 LED 發光功能,可從細孔中透出白色光芒,而頭的底部可伸延並能夠 360 度轉動,機械骨架上鋪帶有喉管與電線,組裝工序細緻,以擬真仿金屬質感塗裝搭配鏽蝕質感的細緻效果,呈鉗狀的機械手具活動功能,胸口位置被Anzellan Droidsmiths 改裝成駕駛艙,還原上一對操縱桿,可置入一個駕駛IG-12專用的Grogu 1:6比例珍藏品 (備可動關節功能),還原Grogu駕駛IG-12一幕,更驚喜的是內置發聲功能,能播出「Yes」、「No」 兩段聲音 (需電力啟動),相信將再次在網路掀起轟動!隨人偶更配有一個高4.5cm、拿著工具的Anzellan Droidsmith (另備有一隻右手以供替換)、一個外星生果、一份零食,以及一個人偶地台。
以上是IG-12 1:6比例珍藏人偶版本設定,IG-12 連配件 1:6比例珍藏套裝將備有更多配件,包括: 一個全新設計的小型仿懸浮太空艙 (備有蓋子)、一個太空艙專用的Grogu 1:6比例珍藏品 (備磁力功能)、兩個額外造型、高4.5cm的Anzellan Droidsmith 1:6比例珍藏品、一把Paz Vizsla重型機關槍(仿發熱狀態)、一個Bo-Katan Kryze肩甲和能量圓盾連左手臂甲、一個Mouse Droid、一個Imperial Armored Commando 飛行背包 (備磁力功能)、盾牌和電擊棒,豐富配件增加人偶可玩性。
【Star Wars: The Mandalorian™ – 1/6th scale IG-12™ With Accessories Collectible Set】
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. No.”
When The Mandalorian™ and Grogu™ returns to Nevarro™ along with the other Mandalorians who walked a different way to prepare on retaking Mandalore, High Magistrate Greef Karga™ gifted the rebuilt IG-11™ now called IG-12™ for the young foundling to operate.
Today Hot Toys is thrilled to officially introduce the greatly detailed 1/6th scale IG-12 with accessories collectible set based on the latest season of The Mandalorian™ live action series!
The highly-accurate collectible figure is specially features highly detailed mechanical body with great articulations and cockpit with Grogu, skillfully applied weathering effects, sound effect function that resembles IG-12’s “Yes and No” answers, a Anzellan Droidsmiths™ with interchangeable arms, food accessories, and a figure display stand.
More highly-detailed accessories covering Grogu with pram, two additional Anzellan Droidsmiths in different poses, Bo-Katan’s™ new signet armor and energy shield, Paz Vizsla’s™ heavy blaster, Imperial Armored Commando’s™ shield, baton, and jetpack, also a mouse droid™ to pair with other collectible figures from The Mandalorian series!
The 1/6th scale IG-12 With Accessories Collectible Set specially features:
– Authentic and detailed likeness of IG-12 in Star Wars: The Mandalorian
– Beautifully crafted mechanical head with LED light-up function (white light, battery operated; with articulated design)
– Realistic metallic appearance is finished with weathering effects
– Approximately 36cm tall
– Newly developed body with over 28 points of articulations
– Sound effect function featuring 2 sounds effects (power operated)
– Detailed cockpit with moveable control sticks
– Highly accurate mechanical body design with pipe and wire details
– Special features include:
– One (1) pair of articulated mechanical graspers
– Sized to fit with specially designed Grogu 1/6th scale collectible figure for controlling IG-12
– One (1) 1/6th scale Grogu collectible figure for controlling IG-12 (Approximately 4.5cm tall; with articulated function)
– One (1) 1/6th scale Anzellan Droidsmith collectible with 2 interchangeable right arms (Approximately 4.5cm tall)
– One (1) snacks
– One (1) fruit
– One (1) newly designed hover pram with cover***
– One (1) 1/6th scale Grogu collectible figure in sitting posture (approximately 4cm tall; with magnetic function) ***
– Two (2) additional 1/6th scale Anzellan Droidsmith collectibles in different style (Approximately 4.5cm tall) ***
– One (1) Paz Vizsla’s heated heavy blaster***
– One (1) Bo-Katan Kryze’s shoulder armor***
– One (1) Bo-Katan Kryze’s energy shield with left forearm armor***
– One (1) Imperial Armored Commando’s jetpack (with magnetic function) ***
– One (1) Imperial Armored Commando’s shield***
– One (1) Imperial Armored Commando’s baton***
– One (1) mouse droid***
– Specially designed figure stand with Star Wars logo and character nameplate
*** Exclusive to Accessories Collectible Set
Release date: Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2024
*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Battery included for LED light up function, button cells are required
***Sound effect function operated using USB power
****USB connecting cable is not included, USB-C cable is required
*****Product details could be subjected to change without further notice
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