HOT TOYS: 1/6 Action Figure《星球大戰:特種兵團》Wrecker HK$1,830

【Hot Toys《星球大戰:特種兵團》Wrecker 1:6比例珍藏人偶
真人化打造角色頭雕 特別技術處理舊化細節 特種兵團成員集結完成!】

《Star Wars: The Clone Wars》衍生動畫劇集《星球大戰:特種兵團》聚焦在一批複製人部隊倖存的士兵所組成的小隊,經過複製人戰爭和第66號密令後、銀河帝國初期踏上僱傭兵新生活的故事。Hot Toys 繼早前發佈了來自 Bad Batch 部隊的Echo、Hunter及Crosshair 1:6比例珍藏人偶後,於今天公佈Bad Batch 部隊餘下兩名成員 Tech 和 Wrecker 1:6比例珍藏人偶,特種兵團成員集結完成!
《星球大戰:特種兵團》Wrecker 1:6比例珍藏人偶
Hot Toys憑藉一貫高度細緻的巧手工藝,並根據動畫《星球大戰:特種兵團》中99複製人部隊具備分量感的清障王 ─ Wrecker 一角,以極像真的1:6比例珍藏人偶模式製作,特別塑造了一個高約33cm丶具有逾30個活動關節的全新魁梧體態素體。同時根據角色在動畫中的設定,利用高清擬人技術把動畫角色真人化Wrecker頭雕,細緻還原上角色的五官輪廓、仿真人般的皮膚紋理與疤痕,左眼還原上失明的設定,與此同時,更配有一個飾有具手繪感的白色骷髏塗裝的Wrecker頭盔以供替換。此外,Hot Toys 更根據角色造型足本還原整套灰色拼紅色線條的護甲,運用設計團隊新研發的特別技術去處理舊化細節,呈現出自然的戰損刮痕,同時護甲上的各項細節還有: 兩邊肩甲上印有象徵99複製人部隊的99數字與Bad Batch 骷髏頭圖案、背部以磁石組裝的裝備背包和右腿外側配有刀套 (可裝上一把大刀) 等等。隨人偶還配備有一把雷射步槍、一把大刀、多對造型手掌及人偶地台連地台咭。

【Star Wars: The Bad Batch™ – 1/6th scale Wrecker™ Collectible Figure】

The boisterous bruiser of Clone Force 99, a group of elite soldiers known as the Bad Batch, Wrecker is a tower of a soldier, with powerful muscles that make him far stronger than the average clone. He earns his nickname well, as he has a flair for barreling through any obstacle thrown his way and serves as the resident demolitions expert — a job he performs with much enthusiasm.
Today, Hot Toys is delighted to present the 1/6th scale Wrecker collectible figure for fans to add another Bad Batch member to their collection!
The collectible figure features Wrecker’s armor and helmet with weathering effects and unique markings, an interchangeable head sculpt with realistic likeness, a blaster, a blade, and a display base!