TOYS ALLIANCE 2023年4月發售: 1/18 Full Action Figure Series ACID RAIN WORLD FAV-A79 Dwarf D2

Toys Alliance X Acid Rain New Product
Figures And Vehicles

FAV-A79 矮人 D2
比例:3.75吋 1/18

隨著新一輪大戰即將爆發,奧歷山大三世下令對所有辛克羅機甲的性能及設計進行全面評估,以找出潛在的弱點。作為一名敏銳的駕駛員,奧歷山大三世的擔憂得到證實:三頭犬系列在戰場上幾乎無人能敵,但部署速度相對緩慢。由此,全新系列的辛克羅機甲被委託開發——矮人 D2,以三頭犬核心和新式駕駛艙為中樞框架的模組化設計,保持強大作戰能力的同時輕量化。矮人系列體積大約只有三頭犬的一半,能夠在戰場上快速部署和機動,在閃電戰中使用效果顯著。這就引出了一個問題,奧曼加會用矮人在何時何地對敵人發動襲擊?

– Dwarf D2 / 矮人 D2 / ドワーフD2 x 1
– OMMG-4 SA Submachine Gun / OMMG-4 SA衝鋒鎗 / OMMG-4 SA 小型軽機関銃 x 2
– OMMG-16 SA Submachine Gun / OMMG-16 SA衝鋒鎗 / OMMG-16 SA 小型軽機関銃 x 1
– OMK-2 SA Combat Knife / OMK-2 SA格鬥匕首 / OMK-2 SA コンバットナイフ x 1
– Gear Buckle / 裝備扣 / ギヤバクル x 4

FAV-A79 Dwarf D2
Scale:3.75inch 1/18

With the possibility of war looming on the horizon, Emperor Oleksandr III ordered a fundamental review of all SA units and designs to identify potential weaknesses. A keen pilot himself, Oleksandr’s fears were confirmed: Cerberus units were practically unmatched on the battlefield, but were slow to deploy. So it was that a new SA design was commissioned, one still using the powerful Cerberus core, but with a modular design and a new lightweight cockpit in the central frame, resulting in the Dwarf D2. The Dwarf series is about half the size of a Cerberus, able to be deployed fast and maneuver swiftly around the battlefield. They are particularly effective when used in lightning strike raids, which begs the question, when will they be used – and where? Omanga readies herself to strike out against her enemies…