HOT TOYS 2023年8月09日發售: 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett》》R5-D4, Pit Droid & BD-72 HK$1,630

【《波巴費特之書》R5-D4, Pit Droid & BD-72 1:6比例珍藏套裝
星戰迷必收夢幻珍藏組合! 3款極具人氣且智慧機器人登場】

以傳奇宇宙獵人波巴費特為主角的星戰電視劇《波巴費特之書》已經圓滿結束,除了曼達洛人Din Djarin、年輕的絶地大師天行者Luke Skywalker、Grogu及Ahsoka Tano隆重回歸外,一眾星戰機械角色也悉數登場!Hot Toys 再次向機械角色的領域進發,雲集三款人氣機械角色,破天荒推出《波巴費特之書》R5-D4, Pit Droid & BD-72 1:6比例珍藏套裝!
相信星戰迷對 R5-D4 已經有所認識,早於《星球大戰IV: 新希望》電影登場,當時Luke Skywalker於塔圖跟叔叔打算從爪哇族手上買機器人,先挑選了他與 C-3PO,但因R5-D4驅動器故障才挑選了R2-D2,所以 R5-D4 也算是個推動星戰歷史的小人物英雄。Hot Toys憑藉一貫巧手工藝與極致還原度,製作出《波巴費特之書》的R5-D4 1:6比例珍藏人偶,擁有高逾20cm的R5-D4機械素體,其機體結構設計精密,頭部配可裝拆天線與全息影像投射器,配備360°旋轉設定,完全仿照影集般活動能力;機身還原上標誌性機械外觀,內置磁石可固定Restraining Bolt,並且搭配上帶陳舊感的舊化塗裝,呈現角色曾在沙漠中的滄桑經歷。此外,為了能讓R5-D4重現原作中的移動方式,採用了三腳配以滾輪設計,置中的輔助腳更以完全收納到機身之內的結構進行製作,以呈現複雜的滑行行走方式。更驚喜是,Hot Toys 設計師於此套裝特別配置了R5-D4於《星球大戰IV: 新希望》的天線 (以供替換) 與驅動器,配合機身上的爆炸痕跡塗裝,為星戰迷重現經典一幕!
隨套裝還配備有一個高逾22cm、具有逾18個活動關節的Pit Droid 機器人和一個高逾8cm、具有逾8個活動關節的BD-72機器人,整個Pit Droid機械骨架細緻塗裝上淺棕色與舊化效果,碟形頭部配有兩根天線與一個以透明組件設計的機械眼,細緻呈現多功能維修機器人造型;而BD-72機器人細緻刻有機件細節,灰白色的機身拼湊藍色細節,掃上仿真沙漠風化塗裝,採用透明組件設計一對機械眼,腿部配有外露電線細節,足本還原在影集中協助Din Djarin 改造N1 Starfighter 載具的BD-72 1:6比例珍藏人偶!

【Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett™ – 1/6th scale R5-D4™, Pit Droid™, BD-72™ Collectible Set】

The scrappy proprietor of Hangar 3-5 in the Mos Eisley™ Spaceport, Peli Motto™ helped the Mandalorian™ on his ship and journey with the assistance of a team of hyperactive pit droids and other mechanical assistants.
To further expand its Star Wars collectibles series, Hot Toys is delighted to officially introduce a 1/6th scale collectible set of Peli Motto’s R5-D4, Pit Droid, and BD-72 companions!
Standing at approximately 20cm tall for R5-D4, 22cm tall for Pit Droid, and 8cm for BD-72, the three droids are crafted with exceptional mechanical details, as well as featuring weathered paint applications and great articulations.

The 1/6th scale R5-D4™ Collectible Figure specially features:

– Authentic and detailed likeness of R5-D4 in Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett
– Beautifully crafted mechanical body in red, blue and white applied with subtle weathering effects
– Approximately 20cm tall
– Greatly detailed mechanical construction with 7 points of articulations
– Special features including:
– Head supports 360° horizontal rotation
– One (1) pair of articulated terrain tread legs
– One (1) articulated and retractable center tread leg
– Highly accurate mechanical body design

– Two (2) styles of interchangeable antennas
– One (1) bad motivator
– One (1) restraining bolt (with magnetic function)
– One (1) hologram projector

The 1/6th scale Pit Droid™ Collectible Figure specially features:

– Authentic and detailed likeness of Pit Droid in Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett
– Gorgeously detailed mechanical body in reddish brown applied with subtle weathering effects
– Approximately 22cm tall
– Sophisticatedly constructed mechanical structure with 18 points of articulations
– Special features including:
– One (1) pair of articulated mechanical graspers
– Highly accurate mechanical body design
– Enhanced articulation on waist which allows movement including 360° horizontal spin

The 1/6th scale BD-72™ Collectible Figure specially features:

– Authentic and detailed likeness of BD-72 in Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett
– Beautifully crafted mechanical body in greyish white applied with subtle weathering effects
– Highly accurate mechanical body design including robotic lens, and wire details
– Approximately 8cm tall
– Sophisticatedly constructed mechanical structure with 8 points of articulations

Release date: Approximately Q3 – Q4, 2023

*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details could be subjected to change without further notice

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