HOT TOYS 2024年3月26日發售: 1/6 Action Figure《明日戰記》泰來(Tyler) HK$2,030

【《明日戰記》泰來1:6比例珍藏人偶 還原古天樂空戰部隊造型人偶 精細還原全副動力裝甲】

大戰,一觸即發!古天樂全力監製,打造華語電影里程碑,揭開亞洲特技新一頁。2022年度最矚目的華語科幻動作電影巨獻《明日戰記》,堪稱香港影業史歷年最大規模製作,鐵定於8月25日在港盛大公映。Hot Toys 全力支持電影上映,參照知名華人男演員古天樂先生及劉青雲先生於《明日戰記》電影飾演B16區空戰部隊隊長及指揮官造型,推出《明日戰記》泰來與鄭重生1:6比例珍藏人偶,相信《明日戰記》必定掀起一股科幻機械人大戰熱潮!

擅長運用巧手人偶製作工藝和極致細膩審美標準,將電影角色活現大家眼前的Hot Toys,為忠實還原由知名華人男演員古天樂先生於《明日戰記》中,飾演B16區空戰部隊隊長泰來一角造型,立體化地打造出1:6比例珍藏人偶!Hot Toys 頭雕師團隊以頂級雕刻工藝及塗裝技巧,還原了一個配有LED亮燈功能的裝甲頭雕頭盔,揭開頭盔面罩後可看到由古天樂先生所飾演的泰來極像真頭雕,塑造出媲美真人般的表情神髓、五官輪廓與皮膚紋理,更準確及傳神地刻劃出泰來角色憑他高超的戰機駕駛技術以對付潘朵拉母體的決心。同時,特別為人偶開發一個高逾31cm、具有30多個可動關節的人偶素體,並採用頂尖的金屬塗裝工藝技術,還原全副深綠色及黑色為主的動力裝甲,整套裝甲由過半百件裝甲組件所組裝而成,組裝工序所涉及的精緻工藝與難度都相當之高,同時仔細印有26號數字及白色線條,並飾有舊化效果提升造型層次感,盡顯Hot Toys 注重所有造型細節的功力,裝甲細節包括: 左肩甲上配有LED發光夜視燈裝置、肩膀、上臂、腿側及背部位置配有機械支架、胸前有手槍套可收納手槍、大腿位置配有刀套可分別收納大刀和匕首,以及背部裝甲可開啟以裝上噴射器等,都像真地重現電影中的複雜設定。隨人偶將配置一柄重型機關槍、一把大刀、一把匕首、一把手槍、一枚煙霧彈、一枚閃光彈和一個特別設計石陣情景地台。

【Warriors of Future – 1/6th scale Tyler Collectible Figure】

Amidst the backdrops of the future, the world is under extreme environmental crisis, and a meteorite brings an extremely dangerous alien life form to Earth. Warriors in their mech machines are tasks with destroying the invaders and saving the planet, yet the surviving solder Tyler discovers an even bigger conspiracy.
Based on the long-awaited sci-fi movie, Warriors of Future, Hot Toys is proud to introduce Tyler in the extremely intricate exosuit as our latest 1/6th scale collectible figure.

Meticulously crafted based on the appearance of Louis Koo as Tyler in the movie, the figure features a newly developed LED light-up helmeted head sculpt with impressive likeness, his dark green, black exosuit and mechanical exoskeleton weathered from battle, LED-lighted torch on shoulder, gear holsters on the delicate suit with greatly-detailed weapons such as heavy machine gun, blade, dagger, pistol, grenades, and a rocky themed diorama figure base.

The 1/6th scale Tyler Collectible Figure specially features:
– Authentic and detailed likeness of Louis Koo as Tyler in Warriors of Future
– A newly developed helmeted head sculpt with LED light-up function (battery operated) and removable mask
– Movie-accurate facial features with detailed skin texture
– Approximately 31 cm tall
– Over 30 points of articulations
– Special features on the Exosuit:
– Dark green and black colored armor with white decals and distress effects application
– LED-lighted torch on left shoulder (battery operated)
– Detailed mechanical exoskeleton over shoulders, upper arms, legs and back
– Weapon holsters in front of chest and around legs
– Eight (8) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
• One (1) pair of fists
• One (1) pair of relax hands
• One (1) pair of hands for holding guns
• One (1) pair of hands for holding accessories
– Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted

– One (1) newly crafted Exosuit
– One (1) finely tailored black under suit
– One (1) utility belt with pouches and ammo clips

– One (1) heavy machine gun
– One (1) blade
– One (1) dagger
– One (1) pistol

– One (1) smoke grenade
– One (1) stun grenade
– A specially designed rocky themed diorama figure stand

Release date: Approximately Q3 – Q4, 2023

*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required.
***Product details could be subjected to change without further notice

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