壽屋 2024年3月發售:模型 1/24 Kit Block Hexa Gear Governor Heavy Armor Type: Rook 5,500Yen(再販)


Scale 1/24
Product Size 105mm tall
Specification Plastic Model
Parts 201~400
Material PS・PE・ABS・PVC(Phthalate-free)・POM
Design Mitsunobu Tamura

Combat preparation complete. Start your engines.

Model Specifications:
■ The large right hand, a distinguishing feature of the character design, has articulated fingers for creating more human-like poses. It has a 3mm connection point that allows it to hold weapons firmly when joined with the included attachment part.

■ The gigantic manipulator can be assembled for either the left or right hand. The shoulder armor can also be swapped and attached to either side.

■ The model is equipped with numerous 3mm hard points that can be used with Modeling Support Goods 3mm BOOST EFFECT and other attachments sold separately.

■ The abdomen features a pull-out style of articulation that allows for dynamic action poses. In addition to the neck with three articulation points, the shoulders feature a built-in forward swing gimmick. The elbows and knees are double-jointed.

■ The booster unit on the lower back has a 3mm connection joint at the base and can move flexibly. The tip of each nozzle has a 3mm connection joint for attaching the Modeling Support Goods 3mm BOOST EFFECT sold separately.

■ Outfitted with special joints, the left and right arms can be used with Frame Arms Girl, Megami Device, SOUSAISHOJOTEIEN, ARCANADEA (sold separately) and more.

■ The sensor part on the left side of the head is recreated with pre-painted parts. The model is made from three colors: White, gun metallic, and clear orange.

■ This model can be connected to flying bases, sold separately.

Included items:
■ Left/Right Conversion Parts for Gigantic Manipulator x 1 Set
■ Gigantic Manipulator Attachment Part x 1
■ Hand Parts for Regular Manipulators x 6
(Closed, Open, Weapon Holding 1 [Normal], Weapon Holding 2 [Angled], Hand Sign A, Hand Sign B)
■ Leg Thruster Ignition Parts x 4
■ Compatible Joint Parts for Arms x 2
■ Archive Card x 1

ガバナー ヘヴィアーマータイプ:ルーク

作品 ヘキサギア
シリーズ キットブロック
スケール 1/24
製品サイズ 全高 約105mm
製品仕様 プラモデル
パーツ数 201~400
素材 PS・PE・ABS・PVC(非フタル酸)・POM
設計 田村 充伸

これはアーマータイプ:ポーンと呼ばれる強化装甲服を体系的に発展させていくというプロジェクトである。歩兵、ガバナーとして最も標準的な「ポーンA1(Advanced 1)」、ヘキサギア騎乗戦を重視した「ナイト」。そして重装機動歩兵型「ルーク」。これら系統分岐に見られる、ヴァリアントフォースが行ったパラポーンに対するそれとの奇妙な類似は、ある種の収斂進化と考えると非常に興味深い。



