Myethos 2023年8月07日發售:1/7 Pre-Painted Figure《國家寶藏》真珠舍利寶幢 19,800 YEN連稅
Pearl Pillar of the Buddhist Shrine
Even if the moon does not shine over the mountains, its light shines endlessly.
From the Chinese TV show that introduces Chinese national artworks, “National Treasure”, comes the third in a series of figures based on artifacts introduced on the show.
The next figure in the series is based on illustrator Rella’s personification of the “Pearl Pillar of the Buddhist Shrine” created during the Northern Song Dynasty. The crystal ball adorning the top of the figure has been transformed into a beautiful smiling girl. Each and every detail, from the gourd bottle in her hand to the various decorations adorning the tower, has been elegantly sculpted.
The delicacy and beauty of the Pearl Pillar of the Buddhist Shrine has been carefully preserved, including the carved appearance of the base. Be sure to add this national treasure that has become a beautiful girl to your collection!
- 商品名
- 真珠舎利宝幢 (しんじゅしゃりほうどう)
- 作品名
- 国家宝蔵
- メーカー
- Myethos
- カテゴリー
- 1/7スケールフィギュア
- 発売時期
- 2023/05
- 仕様
- プラスチック製塗装済み完成品・1/7スケール・専用台座付属・全高:約280mm
- 原型制作
- 門神(もんしん)
- 発売元
- Myethos
- 販売元
- グッドスマイルカンパニー
- 掲載の写真は実際の商品とは多少異なる場合があります。
- 商品の塗装は彩色工程が手作業になるため、商品個々に多少の差異があります。予めご了承ください。
- 台座は試作品です。実際の商品とは異なる場合がございます。