全新虛擬空間企劃ReVers3:x(Reverse Cross) 迎來饒舌歌手KEIJU 向全世界展現使用Sony最新技術的XR LIVE

A new virtual space project called, “ReVers3:x” has launched ! The live show called, XR live, done by rapper, KEIJU, has been released worldwide. KEIJU worked in collaboration with the latest technology provided by the SONY Group.

Sony Music Labels Inc. launched a new project called ‘ReVers3:x’ (read as reverse cross) which is shown in virtual space.

This is a project where people can enjoy watching the short live videos of various artists’ performances. These live shows are shown in the virtual space which was created originally by Sony Music Labels Inc. The rapper KEIJU’s performance was the very first live video which appeared on this project and has been released on YouTube.


This project is shown in a virtual space which was created specially by Sony Music Labels Inc. It was made with Sony’s latest technology also in cooperation with other Sony group companies. In this project of short live performances, people can enjoy watching various artists’ performances in a virtual space. The first live show was performed by KEIJU and released worldwide. The stage was set on the streets of Tokyo which were all created in a virtual space.


This virtual space was originally produced with the cooperation of MomentTokyo, REZ& and huez, who is known for  XRLIVE productions. Inside this space there are artworks created by digital artists from OFBYFOR TOKYO which many young cutting edge creators are a part of. The teaser which was released at the time of the announcement of the launch of this project, has gained more than 300,000 views. Following great expectations, finally the entirety of the project was revealed.


KEIJU performed 3 songs, ‘Falling’, ‘Tears’ and ‘In My Eyez’ , where it was as if entering into a video game space. The audience was awed by the stage effect with the cherry blossom petals were falling in sync with the song, also driving through the city in this virtual space with this song. This live show has been released in full size on ReVers3:x Official YouTube Channel.

Sony Music Labels推出了虛擬空間新企劃「ReVers3:x」(唸作:Reverse Cross)。本企劃是以獨立製作的虛擬空間爲舞台,邀請各式各樣藝人以及歌手進行現場歌唱等表演演出。日前在空間内首次舉行的KEIJU XR LIVE影片也已經在YouTube上公開。

本企劃是以獨立製作的虛擬空間爲舞台,並利用Sony的最新技術,提供藝人以及歌手進行創新的表演。首次舉辦的KEIJU XR LIVE表演,舞台設計為虛擬空間裡的東京街景,此表演影片已於YouTube上公開。

本次企劃也與XR LIVE的製作先驅Moment Tokyo / REZ & / huez等人合作,虛擬空間中也放置了OFBYFOR TOKYO所屬的數名數位藝術家的作品。

本次XR LIVE在企劃發表同時亦公開了預告影片,其播放次數現已突破30萬,在期待不斷攀升之中,完整LIVE影片終於公開了。

演出中KEIJU彷彿置身於遊戲空間中的舞台上,演唱了〈Falling〉、〈Tears〉和〈In My Eyez〉三首歌曲。櫻花隨著樂曲飄落,彷彿隨著樂曲的起落在街道上兜風的演出更令觀眾大爲興奮。這場XR LIVE的完整演出影片已在ReVers3:x官方YouTube頻道上公開了。

◆[XR Live vol.1] ReVer3:x KEIJU / reverse cross :

The live show was shot at Sony’s volumetric shooting studio ‘Volumetric Capture Studio Tokyo’. Sony’s volumetric technology is one of the highest quality in the world. MomentTokyo created the virtual space with the Volumetric capture technology using Sony’s 4K camera equipment and UNREAL ENGINE.


Team VJ and REZ, who both have been active in major festivals, took part in lighting and visual directing as a VJ. With their skill and effort, the quality of the live show was on a whole new level compared to the usual virtual music performances. Their amazing visual direction was possible due to this unique virtual environment which is very different from live streaming performances from an actual venue.


The project ReVers3:x is planning to have more XR live shows, mainly with more HIP HOP artists in a random schedule for the 1st season from March 2022. Its aim is to be a cross-cultural spot and is going to release all sorts of entertainment in a virtual space. Please look out for Volume 2.


NOTE: The volumetric technology is used for making 3D movies where people are able to see from any direction with high resolution. The people and space are shot by dozens of cameras which are all set around the entire studio and then converted to digital data. With this volumetric technology we can capture the real world as it is and can show angles where normally cameras don’t exist and when put together with computer graphics, new creative visual expression is possible.

本次拍攝在世界最高品質的Sony體素捕捉攝影棚「Volumetric Capture Studio Tokyo」裡進行。除了使用體素捕捉技術(Volumetric Capture Technology)(※1)和Sony相機的4K攝影之外,Moment Tokyo更使用了Unreal Engine打造高度創意的虛擬空間,再由活躍於大型音樂節的知名VJ Team REZ 安排虛擬空間中的照明和VJ演出,成功實現了不同於普通虛擬音樂LIVE的高精細度品質。這是無法透過live house現場直播中達到的,只能在數位空間中呈現的LIVE製作成果。


ReVers3:x從2022年3月起作為企劃第1季,今後也將不定期的以HIPHOP歌手為中心提供XR LIVE的演出,並希望能融合各種文化,成為虛擬空間裡的娛樂標竿。



※1:體素捕捉技術(Volumetric Capture Technology),是由數十台攝影機於攝影棚內包圍拍攝真實人物或地點,並將影像轉換為3D數位資料,再以高品質呈現可從任意方向觀看的3D影像。通過捕捉整個現實世界,可以建立沒有攝影機的視點、或者是與CG合成的全新影像。

[XR Live vol.1] ReVer3:x KEIJU Setlist   Song  info


STREAMING & DOWNLOAD:https://smar.lnk.to/GSfQDj


STREAMING & DOWNLOAD:https://smar.lnk.to/PKEyDh

Re3:”In My Eyes”

STREAMING & DOWNLOAD:https://smar.lnk.to/Ja9ABZ


◆Information about ReVers3:x(Rivers cross)◆


Date: Released worldwide from the 3rd of March,2022 (Thurs) at 22:00 (JST)

Platform:ReVers3:x Official YouTube Channel


Planning:Sony Music Labels Inc.

Cooperation:Sony Group Corporation,Volumetric Capture Studio Tokyo / OFBYFOR TOKYO

Virtual Live Creator:MomentTokyo / REZ& / huez


Official HP : https://revers3x.net/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIhFxvd6YkutchugsFqpbzA

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/revers3_x/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/revers3_x

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@revers3_x

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revers3x


ReVers3:x Introduction


The inconvenient future which might occur in 20XX.

Today this city answers again to the vivid voice of our ancestors.

Lost Lyrics Diggin’.



Lost Lyrics Diggin’.


Profile of Moment Tokyo × REZ& × huez


<Moment Tokyo>

Starting activities in 2015, Moment Tokyo is a company which specializes in shooting live action. They created live videos of many artists including m-flo, MIYAVI and Ikimonogakari,  also created post-event movies for music festivals such as EDC JAPAN and GREENROOM FESTIVAL. They also made a live document for Porter Robinson.

After covid, they invited more than 500 artists to their own studio and created these movies. XR LIVE is a continuation of their activities and they are expanding. Their strongest point is their skill at shooting live action movies and they have been making various XR LIVE videos for the last two years.

2015年開始活動。是製作m-flo、MIYAVI、Ikimonogakari等歌手藝人們的live影像,以及EDC JAPAN和GREENROOM FESTIVAL等音樂節的後期影片,還有Porter Robinson等音樂節紀錄片的影片拍攝團體。2020年的疫情以來極力擴展數位影像的製作,邀請約500名歌手以及表演者來到工作室,其後更衍生至XR LIVE。憑藉公司在攝影方面的實力,近兩年致力於提供各種XR LIVE的製作。





REZ& is a resident video jockey who directed the visuals and also developed the system for many events including the biggest club in Asia “ageHa”, from 2012 till its “THE GRAND FINAL” in 2022. He is one of the iconic Japanese VJs and his works vary.  He is a visual director and also a VJ for many music festivals like ‘ULTRA JAPAN’,’EDC JAPAN’ and ‘SUMMER SONIC’ and takes tours with internattional artists.

Right now he works with Moment Tokyo and huez, as they direct, develop and plan the XR live show using technology like UNREAL ENGINE and TouchDesigner. They have been putting energy into cultivating a new live performancescene in the Far East.

作為亞洲最大夜店之一的「ageHa」駐場VJ,從2012年到2022年的「ageHa THE GRAND FINAL」爲止參與了許多活動,從視覺製作到系統開發無所不包。此外,在「ULTRA JAPAN」「EDC JAPAN」「SUMMER SONIC」等音樂節的多個舞台上負責視覺製作和VJ,並和海外藝人一起巡演等等,作為日本代表VJ展開了多樣的活動。目前他與Moment Tokyo和huez一起從事使用UNREAL ENGINE和Touch Designer的XR LIVE製作、開發和企劃業務,並致力於開發新時代的LIVE場景。





A Visual artist unit who started their career in 2011 and celebrated their 10 years anniversary this year. They successfully worked for the visual direction of spaces including events like “Wednesday Campanella Nippon Budokan Performance -Hakkaku Universe” AND “the party for releasing tofubeats’  “RUN”.

In recent years, they are putting more energy into developing the visual direction for virtual space like online live and XR(cross reality). They directed the visual effects of the space with lighting, VJ and laser for the events, “KizunaAI 5th Anniversary” and “MIKU EXPO 2021 Inline”.

2011年開始活動,今年迎接10週年的團體。除了有在「水曜日のカンパネラ日本武道館公演 ~八角宇宙=」「tofubeats『RUN』Release Party」等活動中參與空間演出的實績之外,近年來還致力於開發線上LIVE和XR(Cross Reality)等虛擬空間中的演出,參與了「KizunaAI 5th Anniversary」「MIKU EXPO 2021 Online」等活動的燈光、VJ、雷射等各種空間演出。



Profile of KEIJU


KEIJU is a member of the HIP HOP crew called ‘KANDYTOWN’ with 16 members that include a rapper, track maker, DJ and movie director all living in Tokyo and know each other since childhood. They are active in various fields spreading from music and KEIJU stands out in the crew with his strong individuality,  a mellow voice as a rapper and very photogenic looks.

He performed as a rapper for “LONELY NIGHTS feat.YOUNG JUJU” by tofubeats, “Remember feat.YOUNG JUJU” by Awitch and “Drippin feat.IO & YOUNG JUJU” by Shota Shimizu in 2017. His performance has been amazing and we can call him the king of guest performances in the Japanese HIP HOP scene. He started working as a solo artist and made a contract with a major label, Sony Music Labels Inc. He is the first artist from KANDYTOWN who signed a major deal. He changed his artist name to KEIJU and he released his first single “Let Me Know” from Sony Music Labels in 2018.

He released a song “Summertime” in collaboration with the singer RIRI. This song was a commercial song for the SHISEIDO sunscreen line ‘ANESSA’ which was created under the producer Nariaki Obukuro in April 2019.

When the commercial got exposed around Asia, his presence left Japan as he performed this song in Taipei for the first time with the Taiwanese singer Julia Wu who released the remixed version of this song in September that year.

In July 2020 he released his first major album “T.A.T.O.” and ranked 4th on the Apple Music album chart.

饒舌歌手。為由饒舌歌手、音軌製作人、DJ、影像導演等共16人組成的HIP HOP團隊・KANDYTOWN的成員之一。在音樂以外的領域也倍受矚目的KANDYTOWN中,KEIJU上鏡的外貌和圓潤的聲音,令人倍感其強烈的個性。

在2017年參與了tofubeats〈LONELY NIGHTS feat.YOUNG JUJU〉、Awitch〈Remember feat.YOUNG JUJU〉、清水翔太〈Drippin’ feat.IO & YOUNG JUJU〉等作品,可說是日本嘻哈樂壇的客座之王。

與Sony Music Labels簽訂了個人的第一筆主流契約,藝名更改為 KEIJU,並於 2018 年在Sony Music Labels內發布了第一張數位單曲〈Let Me Know〉。


2020年7月,KEIJU發行了第一張主流專輯《T.A.T.O.》。在Apple Music中創下專輯綜合排行榜最高第4名的記錄。

Profile of GUCCIMAZE


He is a graphic designer who works in Tokyo. His typography has a three dimensional form with a sharp and hard feeling. His colour scheme is vivid but also gives a poisonous look making his graphic works very unique and original.

He became independent in 2018 and he collaborated with many artists and brands from inside and outside of Japan.

His main works include providing graphics to famous artists including Fetty Wap, Post Malone and Flying Lotus. He also made an album cover for US rapper Nicki Minaj. And he collaborated with global companies like Calvin Klein, SEIKO, Crocs. He did a solo exhibition ‘MAZE” in Shibuya, Tokyo in 2020 and a group exhibition ‘CHAOS LAYER’ at Gallery Tsukigime with Kosuke Kawamura and Yoshirotten in 2021.



自2018年起獨立,與日本國內外的眾多藝人和品牌合作。主要作品包括爲Fetty Wap、Post Malone和Flying Lotus等知名藝人提供圖像,製作美國饒舌歌手Nicki Minaj的專輯封面,以及與Calvin Klein、SEIKO和Crocs等國際品牌的合作。

2020年,在東京澀谷的「Diesel Art Gallery」舉辦個展『MAZE』。2021年,與河村康介和Yoshirotten在「Gallery Tsukigime」舉辦聯展『CHAOS LAYER』。



A digital creative label which is active mainly in Tokyo. This artist management agency has all kinds of professionals including a movie director, CG artist, Art director and Producer. OFBYFOR TOKYO has worked not only for the visual direction global brands like EMPORIO ARMANI, NIKE, DIESEL and H&M but also created music videos and artists’ artwork..

以東京爲中心活動的數位創意品牌。旗下有影像導演、CG藝術家、美術指導、製作人等廣泛的成員,不僅參與了EMPORIO ARMANI・NIKE・DIESEL・H&M等國際知名品牌的視覺設計,亦參與MV和歌手藝人門的視覺效果製作。