HOT TOYS 2023年9月13日發售: 1/6 Action Figure《Peacemaker》和平使者 HK$1,690
【極像真頭雕備兩款電鍍頭盔造型呈現角色滑稽表情 附有寵物老鷹Eagly】
DC Comics《自殺突擊隊:集結》衍生劇《和平使者》由鬼才導演James Gunn掌舵,第一季全八集現於 HBO Max 熱播!「和平使者」在人物設定上是個致力追求和平的使者,可以為了和平不計一切代價,但他的道德標準似乎被他施加的暴力所扭曲,「就像在捍衛自己的童真一樣,他用盡全力在捍衛和平」,然而這樣衝突幽默的設定讓影迷們都相當喜愛!Hot Toys於今天推出和平使者1:6比例珍藏人偶,訴說關於和平使者的起源故事,讓觀眾愛上這位個性非常真實的反英雄!
擅長運用巧手人偶製作工藝和極致細膩審美標準,將電影人偶活現大家眼前的Hot Toys,為忠實還原和平使者擁有強化過的人類體能,特別為人偶開發一個高逾31.5cm、具有30多個可動關節,結合靈活與強壯健碩的肌肉型人偶素體;然後配搭上整套超級戰鬥服,包括: 一件胸口印有象徵和平的白鴿圖案的紅色短袖Tee、一條米白色長褲、一條掛於腰間的裝備腰帶 (配有滅聲器、彈匣和針型武器)、一對黑色靴子。除此之外,Hot Toys 頭雕師團隊更細緻刻劃上戴有電鍍頭盔的和平使者頭雕,還原上演員John Cena下半臉的誇張張口表情,更配有兩款電鍍頭盔以供替換;而且還為角色分别製作了一條舌頭,可透過內置的磁石磁貼於頭雕的嘴巴上,呈現出角色滑稽與搞笑的形象,玩味絕對滿分!隨人偶將配置豐富且充滿驚喜的配件和武器,包括: 一隻高逾7cm的寵物老鷹Eagly (配有一對展翅形態翅膀可替換)、一把斧頭、一把長劍、多對造型手掌,以及一個人偶地台,保證能讓所有和平使者的粉絲們,隨意為人偶擺放出豐富的角色造型。
【Peacemaker – 1/6th scale Peacemaker Collectible Figure】
“I made a vow to have peace, no matter how many people I have to kill to get it.” – Peacemaker
Picking up where 2021’s The Suicide Squad left off, DC’s recently released series – Peacemaker follows a violent vigilante who believes in achieving peace at any cost – no matter how many people he has to kill for it in the process. He was one of the members of the second Task Force X strike team sent on a mission to Coro Maltese.
In response to the immense fame of the character, Hot Toys is pleased to officially introduce the highly-anticipated 1/6th scale Peacemaker collectible figure with shiny silver chrome helmets from the Peacemaker collection.
Sophisticatedly crafted with striking likeness of Peacemaker’s appearance portrayed by John Cena in the action series, the 1/6th scale figure features a newly developed helmet head and an interchangeable helmet covered in silver chrome finish with details, an attachable tongue to create alternate expressions, a specially tailored outfit, weapons including a sword, an axe, and a figure stand. The sidekick of the show – Eagly will also come as a 1/6th scale accessory with spread wings for complete collector experience.
The 1/6th scale Peacemaker Collectible Figure specially features:
– Authentic and detailed likeness of John Cena as Peacemaker in Peacemaker series
– One (1) newly developed helmeted head with one (1) interchangeable silver chrome helmet
– One (1) attachable tongue for alternate expressions
– Screen-accurate facial expression with detailed skin texture
– Body with over 30 points of articulations
– Approximately 31.5cm tall
– Seven (7) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
– One (1) pair of fists
– One (1) pair of relax hands
– One (1) pair of weapon holding hands
– One (1) gesture right hand
– Each piece of head sculpt is specially hand-painted
– One (1) red and navy ringer tee with shoulder armors and Dove of Peace logo on chest
– One (1) pair of navy blue-colored gauntlets
– One (1) pair of beige colored pants with navy blue patterns
– One (1) utility belt with silver buckle
– One (1) pair of black boots
– One (1) sword
– One (1) axe
– One (1) Eagly (approximately 7cm tall) with one (1) pair of interchangeable spread wings
– A themed figure stand with character name
Release date: Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2023
*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details can subject to change without further notice
PEACEMAKER and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics
and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. WB SHIELD: TM & © WBEI (s22)