threezero 2022年8月發售: Action Figure threezeroX Akinori Takaki Ultraman Zero HK$1,400/US$179
threezeroX Akinori Takaki Ultraman Zero
threezeroX為threezero的高端產品系列,其中“ X”代表著“crossover”,與世界各地知名藝術家合作推出嶄新的收藏級產品。今次,我們首次邀請到雕塑家Akinori Takaki,為threezero製作出本系列第四款產品:threezeroX Akinori Takaki Ultraman Zero!
在這個項目中,Akinori Takaki 重新設計並製作了Ultraseven(HK:超人七星俠;TW:超人力霸王七號)之子Ultraman Zero的原始造型。Ultraman Zero是一名年輕的光之國超人戰士,他注定要反覆面對墮落的邪惡戰士Ultraman Belial。為Ultraman Zero製作原始造型時,Akinori Takaki主要重新設計了上半身,這是觀眾最關注的部分。他試圖理解原版設計意圖,同時添加細節,並有意盡量保留原型設計中的完美面孔。
threezeroX Akinori Takaki Ultraman Zero約 34.6 厘米(13.6寸),有約52個可動關節。Ultraman Zero頭部的「Zero迴力鏢」可拆下,並用磁石安裝在心口位置,成為「Zero雙擊」。 其他武器包括「Zero雙劍」及「Zero長矛」。 此外,有5對可互換的手:1對張開手、1對手持武器手、1對拳頭手及2對造型手。Ultraman Zero有一件布製的披風,還原他在ULTRA ZERO FIGHT(2012)第一集的造型。眼睛上安裝了 LED 發光功能,額頭上安裝了光束燈,胸部有彩色計時器(胸燈有紅藍兩種顏色可以相互切換)。 它配上了精緻的上色工藝,突顯出Akinori Takaki雕塑作品的藝術細節。
*凡於Tmall、threezero store或 TSUBURAYA STORE購買的客人,可獲限量版threezeroX Akinori Takaki Ultraman Zero明信片一張!
由Akinori Takaki設計和造型
約34.6 厘米(13.6 寸)高
可互換手 x 5 對(1對張開的手、1對手持武器的手、1對拳頭手及2對造型手)
眼睛上安裝了 LED 發光功能,額頭上安裝了光束燈,胸部有彩色計時器
配上了精緻的上色工藝,突顯出Akinori Takaki雕塑作品的藝術細節
* 需要 AG1電池 x 2 用於眼睛及光束燈,AG1 電池 x 2 用於彩色計時器(不包括電池)
包裝尺寸:~(W25.3 x H11.3 x D40 mm) (1 kg)
threezeroX Akinori Takaki Ultraman Zero
threezeroX is the high-end line from threezero which invites different renown artists from around the world to redesign action figures according to their own unique styles. Japanese sculptor Akinori Takaki collaborates with threezero for the first time, to present threezeroX Akinori Takaki Ultraman Zero!
For this project, Akinori Takaki has redesigned and made the original sculpt for the figure of “Ultraman Zero,” the son of Ultraseven. Ultraman Zero is a young Ultra Warrior of the Land of Light, who is destined to repeatedly confront Ultraman Belial, a warrior that has fallen to evil. In making the original sculpt of Ultraman Zero for this figure project, Takaki has mainly redesigned the upper torso, which is the part where the viewers shall mostly bring their attention. He added details while trying to comprehend the intention of the original design, and has intentionally tried to keep the wonderful form of the face as seen in the live-action suit as much as possible.
The Akinori Takaki Ultraman Zero collectible figure stands approximately 34.6cm (13.6″) tall, and is fully-articulated with over 52 points of articulation. The pair of “Zero Sluggers” on the head can be detached, and attached to the chest with magnets to have Zero take on the “Zero Twin Shoot” shooting form. Other weapons included in the merchandise is a large bladed “Zero Twin Sword” weapon and “Ultra Zero Lance.” There are 5 pairs of interchangeable hands: 1 pair of opened hands, 1 pair of hands for holding weapons, 1 pair of fists, and 2 pairs of posed hands. The figure also comes with a fabric cape, which resembles the costume worn by Zero as seen in the 1st episode of Ultra Zero Fight (2012). LED light-up features are installed in the eyes, Beam Lamp on the forehead, and the Color Timer on the chest (The LED lights at the Color Timer can be switched between red lights and blue lights). Detailed paint treatments have been applied to highlight all the artistic details of Takaki’s sculpted work.
threezeroX高木アキノリ ウルトラマンゼロ
threezeroが世界中の様々なアーティストとともに、それぞれのユニークなスタイルにてリデザイン版の可動フィギュアをハイエンド商品として展開していくのがthreezeroXシリーズです。この度、日本の原型師・高木アキノリ氏とthreezeroとの初のコラボレーションとして「threezeroX高木アキノリ ウルトラマンゼロ」が登場!
「threezeroX高木アキノリ ウルトラマンゼロ」は全高約34.6cmで、全身に52箇所以上の可動ポイントを有するフル可動フィギュアです。頭部の1対の「ゼロスラッガー」は脱着可能で、胸に磁石で装着することによって「ゼロツインシュート」の形態をとることが可能。その他の武器として、大型のブレード「ゼロツインソード」と、「ウルトラゼロランス」が付属。交換式手首パーツは全5対付属(開き手1対、武器保持用の手1対、拳1対、ポーズ付きの手2対)。また、『ウルトラゼロファイト』(2012)第一話の衣装をイメージした布製のマントが付属。LED発光機能は両目、額のビームランプ、そして胸のカラータイマーに搭載(カラータイマーのLEDは青発光と赤発光の切り替えが可能)。高木氏による芸術的ディテールを際立出せる精細な塗装が施されています。