MAXFACTORY 2015年10月14日發售: 1/8 PVC Figure 《艦-COLLE-》戰艦Re-Class 14,800Yen連稅
Battleship Re-Class
The nightmare hidden in the deadliest of waters.
From the popular browser game ‘Kantai Collection -KanColle-‘ comes a 1/8th scale figure of the Abyssal Battleship, Re-class! She is sculpted wearing her classic outfit which shows off her pale white skin. Together with the hood and scarf around her mischievous smile, the outfit creates a lovely contrast of black and white all along the figure.
Re-class’s gigantic tail is also filled with highlights, creating a figure that fans are sure to enjoy! One of the most feared enemies in the game can now be displayed beside you to enjoy whenever you like!
大人気ブラウザゲーム『艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-』より、深海棲艦「戦艦レ級」が1/8スケールで登場!大きく開いた胸元から見える白い素肌にフードから覗く無邪気な笑顔、特徴的な巨大な尻尾など見所多数、魅力的な造形に仕上げました。ゲーム中においては、挑んだ提督達に恐怖を刻んだ「戦艦レ級」を、お手元に迎えてみてはいかがでしょうか。
仕様: ATBC-PVC 製塗装済み完成品・1/8スケール・専用台座付属・全高:約190mm
原型制作: sai(Knead)