HOT TOYS 2023年1月05日發售: 1/6 半可動珍藏人偶《自殺特攻》鯊魚王 HK$1330

【《自殺特攻》鯊魚王 1:6比例半可動珍藏人偶】

由 James Gunn 執導 DC 最新大作《自殺特攻》現正上映!故事講述全美守衛最深嚴、死亡率最高的美夢監獄 (Belle Reve),囚禁着許多令人聞風喪膽的超級壞蛋。各人為了重獲自由,決定加入政府秘密組織「自殺特攻隊」,奉命執行亡命任務。今集除了有主角小丑女、自殺特攻召集人Amanda Waller、迴力鏢隊長及擔任自殺特攻隊長的Rick Flag回歸外,其餘13位角色都是新加盟。Hot Toys現火速推出由史泰龍獻聲演出的鯊魚王 1:6比例半可動珍藏人偶!

鯊魚王於漫畫裡本是頭人形鎚頭鯊,但卻因為拍攝時很難拍到他的眼睛在看什麼,加上導演James Gunn覺得要為《自殺特攻》加添一個吉祥物般的隊員,所以將鯊魚王塑造成人形大白鯊,其龐大身形背後更隱藏著一顆天真爛漫的心。Hot Toys採用講求外觀動態與比例完整性的Power Pose半可動珍藏人偶模式進行製作,並採用塑造性高的搪膠素材打造,將鯊魚王身上的盾鱗細節與龐大的半人半鯊魚流線型素體呈現,全新打造的鯊魚王頭雕露出尖牙利齒,面上飾有一對細眼與鰓裂細節,同時配有一個天真憨厚的外表;呈流線形的鯊魚王人偶素體高逾35.5cm,備有7處可動關節,包括:手腕、手臂、腰部及腳腕均具適量的活動功能,背部配有一片魚鰭,更配有一本書和兩對不同造型手掌以供替換;而下半身配有一條藍色短褲,可擺出一個極具力量感的紮實馬步,預備展開一場超震撼的生死一戰!

【The Suicide Squad
1/6th scale King Shark Collectible Figure】

“So smart, me!” – King Shark
The squad gathers the most dangerous supervillains in the world is back for new mission! This lowborn son of an ancient shark god, known as Nanaue, was the terror of the Hawaiian seas, before hard time with the Suicide Squad turned him towards a life of maritime crime!

Catching enormous fans’ attention after The Suicide Squad’s official release, Hot Toys is excited to introduce today King Shark as 1/6th scale collectible figure from our Power Pose Series. It’s also one of the figures that made its debut earlier in Hot Toys Summer Showcase!

Masterfully crafted based on the appearance of King Shark in The Suicide Squad, the movie-accurate figure stands approximate 35.5cm tall, features a semi-articulated body structure with the ability to perform arms, wrist and waist movements; detail recreation of King Shark’s signature features such as jaw, rows of sharp teeth, and rough skin texture; terrific paint job using a mixture of white and grey; two pairs of finely sculpted hands for poses; a pair of specially tailored pants with patterns, and a book.