HOT TOYS 2021年7月26日發售: [2021 TOYS FAIR EXCLUSIVE] 1/6 Action Figure《The Mandalorian》The Armorer HK$1,530
【第一季《The Mandalorian》The Armorer 1:6比例珍藏人偶】
Hot Toys憑藉一貫高度細緻的巧手工藝,根據影集《The Mandalorian》中替族人打造、修復盔甲的「軍械員」─ The Armorer一角,以極像真的1:6比例珍藏人偶模式製作,特別塑造了一個高約29cm丶具有逾26個活動關節的可動專用素體,穿上以細膩車工、呈現具細節的灰綠色長袖上衣與長褲,還有以紅銅色為主調的護甲,線條與細節拿捏準確,金色的Mandalorian頭盔上帶有五根尖角,配有微曲呈貼身效果的胸甲與格紋肩甲,服飾細節還有毛茸茸的啡色披肩、飾有皮革層次的裙子、裝備腰帶、啡色格紋手套與啡色長靴等等。隨人偶更配備了一個貝斯卡鋼、一個火鉗、一個錘子、一個勺子連貝斯卡鋼液體、一個燒焊器、一個胸甲組件、多對不同造型手掌和一個人偶地台連工作室背景咭,足本還原The Armorer 為主角打造貝斯卡鋼的情景。
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【Star Wars: The Mandalorian™ – 1/6th scale The Armorer™ Collectible Figure】
“When one chooses to walk the way of the Mandalore, you are both hunter and prey.”
The Armorer plays a vital role in keeping the culture of the Mandalorians alive. She forges beskar armor in the ancient tradition of her people. Star Wars fans were captivated by her character and story.
Today, in the further continuation of The Mandalorian collectible series, Hot Toys is thrilled to present the 1/6th scale collectible figure of The Armorer as a Hot Toys 2021 Toy Fair Exclusive item!
The collectible figure features a finely crafted helmet and armor pieces, meticulously tailored outfit with faux-fur coat, a selection of tools, a display stand, and a themed backdrop!