HOT TOYS 2021年7月7日開始接受預訂: [2021 TOYS FAIR EXCLUSIVE] 1/6 Action Figure《Avengers: Infinity War》Neon Tech Iron Man 4.0 HK$2,580

【《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》Neon Tech 4.0 1:6比例合金珍藏人偶】

是次Hot Toys精心設計出一款Neon Tech Iron Man 4.0 1:6比例合金珍藏人偶作本年Hot Toys Summer Showcase其中一款的期間限定版珍藏人偶。設計概念源自頻繁出現於科幻電影中以表達出虛擬世界的Neon Tech視覺效果,於整個以暗黑主色的鐵甲奇俠機體上細緻飾上充滿未來感的特製橙色線條,並且可透過UV的燈光照射下於暗黑的環境中呈現出炫麗亮眼的仿Neon Tech橙色螢光效果,配合上冰冷感的合金素材製作,與Neon Tech 的高科技感顯出絕對既融合感。人偶結合多達30個可動關節、高逾32cm 的裝甲素體,保留著一貫鐵甲奇俠的可動性高,可擺出不同姿態。而為了更貼合Neon Tech的設計主題,除了還原鐵甲奇俠原有設定的多個LED 發光裝置,包括: 胸口上圓形的反應器、眼睛、掌心、腰間和前臂等等更如角色設計般可透出LED白光外,為黑拼灰色的裝甲添上透明組件的原創設計,提升裝甲層次感,同時背部可安裝上呈六支爪形的巨型Nano Boosters,為鐵甲奇俠大大提升戰鬥力。此外,胸甲採用可拆卸裝置、背部多組擾流定風翼與小腿裝甲更備開啓功能,展現出機體內複雜的內部結構;同時兼備多項專屬配件如一個Energy Blade、一個Hand Cannon (可替換左前臂) 、一個Nano Repulsor Cannon (可替換右前臂)、一個Holo Shield、多對造型手掌,以及一個印上特製塗裝可透過UV燈光照出獨特仿電子圖案的人偶地台,定必為鐵甲奇俠人偶收藏家帶來一個不可多得的限定珍品。

預訂價:HK$ 2,580

顧客可於下列日期於Echo Base預訂:
所有Toy Hunters 、Secret Base 及 Star Wars Hot Toys Collector Council (只限星球大戰人偶) 會員
會員優先預訂日:2021年7月5日(星期一) 至7月6日(星期二)

公開預訂 [限量800套]
預訂日期︰2021年 7月7日(星期三) 開始接受預訂

特別活動 Hot Toys Summer Night Showcase :
首200名 成功預訂《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》Neon Tech Iron Man 4.0 1:6比例合金珍藏人偶,將獲本司邀請參與Hot Toys Summer Night Showcase 活動,屆時可現場領取《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》Neon Tech Iron Man 4.0 1:6比例合金珍藏人偶及優先選購Hot Toys Summer Night Showcase 獨家商品,預定舉辦時間及詳情將以手機短訊SMS通知合資格參與Hot Toys Summer Night Showcase 的顧客。

【Avengers: Infinity War – 1/6th scale Neon Tech Iron Man 4.0 Collectible Figure】

Taking design inspiration toward the futuristic and aerodynamic aesthetic, Hot Toys’ Neon Tech series has skillfully recreated the signature and breathtaking armors appeared in MCU as stunning collectibles, and merged them with glowing neon works. Today, Hot Toys is excited to present the exciting 1/6th scale Neon Tech Iron Man 4.0 collectible figure as Hot Toys 2021 Toy Fair Exclusive item!
Stands approximately 32cm tall, the brand-new diecast figure inspired by the appearance of Iron Man Mark L in Avengers: Infinity War features a streamlined suit of armors with asymmetrical patterns; beautifully polished in shiny black, grey and bright neon orange color with luminous reflective patterns appearing under specialized LED light, also a selection of fine armor parts composed in translucent matte material enhancing the overall appearance; LED light-up functions scattered throughout the armor; Iron Man’s signature weapons including interchangeable LED light-up Nano Repulsor Cannon, Hand Cannon, Nano Boosters, Energy Blade, Holo Shield, and specially designed figure stand.