TOYS ALLIANCE 2022年1月發售: 1/18 Full Action Figure Series ACID RAIN WORLD FAV-A52 Itzpapalotl

Toys Alliance X Acid Rain
Figures And Vehicles

FAV-A52 伊茲帕帕洛特
比例:3.75吋 1/18

就如阿維卡大陸上大多數國家和勢力一樣,阿茲特蘭也必須向新亞特蘭蒂斯公司有所表現,以換取相對穩定的物資補給配額。備受新亞特蘭蒂斯公司讚賞的伊茲帕帕洛特和阿茲特蘭戰士們,也因此被選中登上新亞特蘭蒂斯公司的波塞冬級海上堡壘。伊茲帕帕洛特除了出眾的戰鬥能力,也因獨特的母語接受了專業的譯碼員訓練,成為了NA第七艦隊著名戰艦聖阿爾戈號(Saint Argo)的船員,並協助訓練其他的譯碼員。聖阿爾戈號長期游弋在阿維卡和歐羅巴之間的重要航道海域,保障通航安全,也能以最快速度支援有突發狀況的港口。

– 伊茲帕帕洛特 x 1
– ASMG4 衝鋒槍 x 1
– AP4 手槍 x 1
– 戴利霰彈槍 x 1

Toys Alliance X Acid Rain
Figures And Vehicles

FAV-A52 Itzpapalotl
Release Date:END OF Jan 2022
Scale:3.75inch 1/18

Itzpapalotl descended from the ancient inhabitants of the Avecan continent. Her heroic feats at the Battle of Living Totem helped the indigenous tribes liberate the nation of Aztlan from the old federal republic. The tribes bestowed her a distinguished name symbolizing death and purification – Itzpapalotl, meaning “obsidian butterfly”.
Much like other powers and factions on the Avecan continent, Aztlan must pay tribute to Neo Atlantis in exchange for guaranteed supply chains. Neo Atlantis admired Itzpapalotl and the other Aztlan warriors so much that they handpicked them to serve aboard Neo Atlantis’ Poseidon-class sea fortresses as tribute. In addition to her outstanding combat skills, Itzpapalotl was specially trained as a code talker thanks to her rare mother tongue. She trains other code talkers aboard the Saint Argo of the NA 7th Fleet, which cruises between Aveca and Europa to protect trade routes and respond to port emergencies.

– Itzpapalotl x 1
– ASMG4 Submachine Gun x 1
– AP4 Pistol x 1
– Daly Shotgun x 1