HOT TOYS 2022年10月17日發售: 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars: The Mandalorian》Mandalorian™ & Blurrg™ HK$3,490

【第一季《The Mandalorian》The Mandalorian 和Blurrg 1:6比例珍藏套裝】

Hot Toys憑藉一貫高度細緻的巧手工藝,並根據The Mandalorian坐騎上巨獸Blurrg的造型推出1:6比例珍藏套裝,同時備有第一季《The Mandalorian》Blurrg 1:6比例珍藏品以供選擇,還原The Mandalorian在荒野中策獸奔騰的氣勢!

於套裝配置的The Mandalorian 1:6比例珍藏人偶,選用上一個高度約30cm、備有逾30個可動關節的素體,然後穿上配有匠心獨具的服裝及武器配件,灰銀色頭盔及右邊肩甲,深啡色左肩、胸口、背部、手腕及右邊大腿的護甲等,均塗上質感細膩逼真的沙漬舊化塗裝。服飾與武器裝備還包括: 額外淺啡色右邊肩甲、深啡色帶有破損效果的披肩、飾有皮革紋理的裝備腰帶、腰間掛上飾有皮革紋理的槍套連手槍等等,為讓此套人偶更臻完美,隨人偶更會附上一把步槍、一組可裝於手臂護甲上的火焰組件和一個可裝於手臂護甲上的飛索連鐵線等組件,可見製作團隊對追求人偶細節的認真程度,足本還原角色孤獨槍手散發賞金獵人魅力! 而套裝內的巨型生物Blurrg1:6比例珍藏品,長60cm、高37cm,呈爪子的雙臂與雙腳配有活動關節,身上配可騎乘的鞍具和繫於身上的仿皮革紋理的帶子,同時細膩還原上Blurrg灰綠的皮膚與暗色斑紋、一雙黑色的大眼睛和嘴部上下頜不規則的利齒等等,值得一提的是地台仿荒野石地設計,使整套珍藏品的完整性提高許多。

【Star Wars: The Mandalorian™ – 1/6th scale Mandalorian™ & Blurrg™ Collectible Set】
“You are a Mandalorian! Your ancestors rode the great Mythosaur. Surely you can ride this young foal.”
Returning to the beginning of The Mandalorian’s story, Star Wars witnessed the eponymous bounty hunter took on a mysterious bounty from a client to search for an asset on the desert planet of Arvala-7. Upon arrival, Mandalorian was assisted by Kuiil the Ugnaught and learned to ride the blurrg in order to reach the settlement seeking the valuable asset.
Fans were instantly captivated by the unfolding of the Mandalorian’s journey, and in celebration of Star Wars Day, Hot Toys is excited to present a special 1/6th scale collectible set featuring the Mandalorian in his original armor and the Blurrg!
The Mandalorian collectible figure features meticulously crafted helmet and armor pieces, finely tailored outfit, specially weathering effects, a blaster rifle, a blaster pistol.
The highly-accurate Blurrg is skillfully developed based on the appearance of the creature in The Mandalorian. Standing at approximately 37cm tall (43cm with base) and 60cm in length, it features greatly detailed head and body, articulated arms, a saddle, and a rocky theme display stand!