Chara-Ani 2021年9月發售: 1/7 Pre-painted figure《為美好的世界獻上祝福!》CAworks 惠惠 Anime Opening Edition 18,000Yen
CAworks 惠惠 Anime Opening Edition
CAworks Megumin: Anime Opening Edition
“I should be able to fire the highest grade of explosion magic with this.”
Chara-Ani’s new figure brand CAworks presents a 1/7th scale figure of Megumin from “KONO SUBARASHII SEKAI NI SYUKUFUKU WO!” in a pose from the second season’s opening sequence as she descends from the sky while firing off her explosion magic.
Megumin’s dynamic pose and the explosion magic beginning to release from her staff have been captured in stunning detail. Translucent parts have been utilized to give the magic effect parts an even more detailed look. Chomusuke has been faithfully recreated as well! Be sure to add this scale figure of Megumin to your collection!
CAworks めぐみん AnimeOpeningEdition
仕様 ABS&PVC 塗装済み完成品(※フタル酸エステル類は使用しておりません)・1/7スケール・専用台座付属・全高:約300mm(台座含む)
原型制作 西村直起(Pilot)
彩色 西村直起(Pilot)
制作協力 株式会社ニッケン
発売元 キャラアニ
©2019 暁なつめ・三嶋くろね/KADOKAWA/映画このすば製作委員会