HOT TOYS 2021年10月08日發售: 1/6 Action Figure《Rogue One: A Star Wars Story™》Shoretrooper Squad Leader™ HK$1,390

【細膩舊化裝甲細節 足本塑造海岸兵中隊Shoretrooper Squad Leader】

Hot Toys準確根據Shoretrooper Squad Leader的電影造型,製成這款造型與作戰環境較特殊的Shoretrooper Squad Leader 1:6比例珍藏人偶。人偶配用了一個具有30多個可動關節、高度約30cm的可動素體,可靈活應付大幅度的動作,讓動作表現得更寫實像真。是次推出的Shoretrooper Squad Leader人偶頭盔造型設計及結構與Shoretrooper相似,頭盔的額頭位置上裝有遮光擋板,眼部鏡片採用了一字型的單片式結構,嘴部位置,嘴部位置亦設有一組拱門狀的氣體過濾器,配合兵種經常於海岸沙地等地理環境進行戰鬥。Shoretrooper Squad Leader穿上一套淡黃色與塗裝上細膩舊化的作戰護甲,右手手臂配有紅色護甲,與其他Shoretrooper型號的差別則在胸甲與手臂甲配有淺藍與白色塗裝和束在腰後的圍裙造型,鮮明地呈現出兵種獨有的特色。武器方面,除了於腰間掛有裝備腰帶與腰帶背面的熱能榴彈外,還配備一柄步槍,加上合共附有六款造型手掌配件及專用的電影名牌地台連可拆卸的Death Star梯級,成功將電影《俠盜一號:星球大戰外傳》中給一眾星戰擁躉帶來新鮮感的Shoretrooper Squad Leader,足本活現到人偶世界。

【Rogue One: A Star Wars Story™ – 1/6th scale Shoretrooper Squad Leader™ Collectible Figure】
Specialist stormtroopers stationed at the top secret Imperial military headquarters on Scarif, Shoretroopers patrol the beaches and bunkers of the planetary facility.
Today Hot Toys is excited to announce the 1/6th scale collectible figure of the Shoretrooper Squad Leader as one of the latest addition to the Star Wars collectibles line up.
The highly-accurate collectible figure is specially crafted based on the image of the Shoretrooper Squad Leader in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, featuring highly detailed helmet and armor with weathering effect, meticulously tailored outfit, a blaster rifle, detailed utility belt with pouch and a display base.

The 1/6th scale Shoretrooper Squad LeaderTM Collectible Figure special features:
– Authentic and detailed likeness of Shoretrooper Squad Leader in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
– Finely crafted helmet and body armor with specially applied distress effects and decals
– Body with over 30 points of articulations
– Approximately 30 cm tall
– Six (6) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
– One (1) pair of fists
– One (1) pair of relaxed hands
– One (1) pair of hands for holding rifle

– One (1) Shoretrooper Squad Leader’s blue, white and light tan colored armor with weathering effects
– One (1) black-colored undersuit
– One (1) red-colored bicep armor for upper right arm
– One (1) utility belt with attached skirt piece
– One (1) pair of brown colored pants
– One (1) pair of armored boots with weathering effects

– One (1) blaster rifle

– Figure stand with Star Wars logo and character nameplate

– Figure Painted by Lok Ho
– Figure Art Directed by JC. Hong

Release date: Approximately Q1 – Q2, 2022

*Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Product details are subject to change without further notice

© & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.