ENTERBAY 2015年第1季發售(2014年12月19日Toy Soul 2014會場首賣): 1/6 Action Figure NBA Legend Series Philadelphia 76ers – Allen Iverson HK$1,788

「我視每一場比賽為最後一場比賽!」 遇強越強的「戰神」 艾倫 艾佛遜 (Allen Iverson, A.I.) 從小過著艱苦日子並因而練就了強大的求生鬥志,那股氣勢更延續至籃球場上的表現。其招牌絕技Killer Crossover絕對是一眾防守球員的惡夢,飛快的速度、獨特的跳投及凌厲的抄截讓A.I.於效力費城76人隊時寫下傳奇一頁!

ENTERBAY隆重宣佈推出極逼真的1:6 Real Masterpiece NBA系列 –「戰神」艾佛遜蠟像級人偶,並將於12月19-21假九龍灣國際展貿中心 Star Hall舉行的亞洲玩具展 (Toy Soul 2014) 中進行首賣會! (攤位號碼:C01-08) 產品備有兩個蠟像級像真度極高的艾佛遜表情頭雕,分別是射籃時張嘴及正常的表情。此外,更備有費城76人隊主及客場球衣、MVP獎盃、護肘、頭巾、籃球袖套及2對Iverson專用球鞋等多款配件,完美重現A.I. 馳騁球場的帥氣一面,絕對是今個聖誕的人氣熱賣產品之一!

推出日期: 12月19日 (Toy Soul 2014首賣)
售價: $1,788

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1/6 Action Figure REAL MASTERPIECE NBA Collection Allen Iverson

“I play every game like it is my last!” Allen Iverson (A.I.) had a hard childhood which thus acquired a strong will to live and this momentum even extend to his performance on the basketball court. His famous Killer Crossover was definitely a nightmare to all defensive players. High speed, unique jump shoot & forceful steal ball technique enable him to become a legend of Philadelphia 76ers!

ENTERBAY proudly presents the 1:6 Real Masterpiece NBA Series – Allen Iverson Action Figure and first launch on 19 Dec at Toy Soul 2014 (Booth No. C1-C8)! There are 2 head sculpts of museum-like representation of Allen Iverson with authentic likeness, one shooting head sculpt and one regular (iconic) facial expression including, together with his signature sneakers. Head band, Basketball Sleeves, arm band and Home & Road 76ers Jerseys which could perfectly reproduce different cool poses of A.I. !

Launch Date: 19th Dec, 2014 (First Launch in Toy Soul 2014)
Price: $1,788

2 head sculpts of museum-like representation of Allen Iverson with authentic likeness, one shooting head sculpt and one regular (iconic) facial expression including.
The head sculpts are hand-painted with newly developed “multi layer” paint application.
Newly developed Allen Iverson body with 30 points of articulations, the height is according to Iverson’s actual height

9 pieces of newly developed Allen Iverson signature interchangeable hands (Including a pair with magnets inside)
1 / 6 scale Spalding basketball with magnet inside X 1
MVP Trophy X 1
Accurate Official Number 3 NBA Philadelphia 76ers Team Home Jersey with shorts X 1
Accurate Official Number 3 NBA Philadelphia 76ers Team Road Jersey with shorts X 1
THE ANSWER” Arm Band X 2 (black x 1 & white x 1)
Basketball Sleeves X 2 (black x 1 & white x 1)
Black Basketball Tights X 1
Head Band with NBA Logo X 2 (red X 1 & white X 1)
2 pairs of NBA socks (black x 1 & white x 1)
2 pairs of Iverson player edition sneakers (Answer IV & Answer V)
Special developed figurines stand which can be easily twist and curl with base printed with Philadelphia 76ers logo X 1