HOT TOYS 香港官方 eShop 2022年6月27日派貨: 1/6 Action Figure《蜘蛛俠: 決戰千里》神秘客的鐵甲奇俠幻象 HK$2,540
蜘蛛俠: 決戰千里》 神秘客的鐵甲奇俠幻象 1:6比例珍藏人偶
在《蜘蛛俠: 決戰千里》中,蜘蛛俠不幸地走進了神秘客的陷阱,神秘客透過虛擬影像無人機塑造出刻有鐵甲奇俠名字的墳墓,然後從墳墓裡出現了一隻手,化成喪屍的鐵甲奇俠從地下爬出來追擊蜘蛛俠的一幕,當中喪屍般造型的鐵甲奇俠確實讓人非常難忘,因此,Hot Toys特別推出了《蜘蛛俠: 決戰千里》神秘客的鐵甲奇俠幻象1:6比例珍藏人偶!神秘客的鐵甲奇俠幻象 1:6比例珍藏人偶的賣點必然落在整套超迫真的腐鏽損毀效果的鐵甲奇俠裝甲造型,經典紅、金配色的鐵甲奇俠機體高逾32cm、配有可動關節,整套鐵甲奇俠人偶是由過百件裝甲組件所組裝而成,組裝工序所涉及的精緻工藝與難度都相當之高,盡顯Hot Toys 注重所有造型細節的功力。全套具金屬質感的裝甲精細地打造出腐鏽、凹陷、刮痕和泥漬效果,可從損毀的裝甲中看到具舊化感的機體內部結構與外露的電線細節,具嚴重損毀的頭盔逼真還原左半臉的恐怖骷髏造型,機體內置共3處LED 發光燈效,分別是左眼、胸口反應器及掌心位置,而局部位置更可如角色設計般可透出LED光效,令整個人偶更加傳神,同時,於腳部位置局部配有藍色仿像素效果組件,以還原此鐵甲奇俠為神秘客的模擬幻象。隨人偶更備有一個由Hive Studios所設計的情景地台,地台參照由無人機所投射的Tony Stark 墳墓一幕為藍本,地台上內置LED 發光燈效,在備可調教角度的無人機與綠色仿煙效組件的映襯下,展現出無比震撼的視覺效果。
【Spider-Man: Far From Home – 1/6th scale Mysterio’s Iron Man Illusion Collectible Figure】
“If you were good enough, then maybe Tony would still be alive…” – Mysterio
Mysterio uses holographic techniques and projector drones to create a sequence of surrealistic imagery to torment and disorient the young Spider-Man. Showing statues of the fallen heroes from Avengers: Endgame in a graveyard and the decaying Iron Man with a broken helmet revealing Tony Stark’s skull pulling his way out of his grave, the enigmatic villain has trapped our Spidey within horrifying illusions.
Demonstrating high-class workmanship, Hot Toys is thrilled to unveil the latest 1/6th scale Mysterio’s Iron Man Illusion collectible figure inspired by Spider-Man: Far From Home’s final Illusion Battle.
The incredibility detailed figure is crafted based on Mysterio’s Iron Man Illusion in the movie, features heavily weathering effects with scratches and rust; overall expertly painted metallic red, gold and silver colored corroded armor; a newly developed severely damaged helmeted head with LED light-up function, revealing partial skull on the left; exposed wires attached to the shattered Iron Man armor revealing fine mechanical details; LED light-up functions on Arc Reactor on chest, and hands. Last but not least, a highly elaborated diorama figure base inspired by the hallucination fight with LED light-up function design; comes with a droid and green smoke effects; and pixelated effect accessories to complete the remarkable visual setting.
The 1/6th scale Mysterio’s Iron Man Illusion Collectible Figure specially features:
– Authentic and detailed likeness of Mysterio’s Iron Man Illusion from Spider-Man: Far From Home
– A newly developed severely damaged helmeted head with LED light-up function on right eye (battery operated), partially reveals skull on the left
– Approximately 32cm tall
– Body with multiple points of articulation
– Special features on armor:
– Metallic red, gold and silver colored painting on the shattered Iron Man armor design
– Exposed wires attached to the shattered armor revealing fine mechanical details
– Shoulder, chest, arms and thighs armors applied with scratches, rust and weathering effects
– LED-lighted Arc Reactor on chest (white light, battery operated)
– LED lights can shine through collarbone and sides of ribs (battery operated)
– Four (4) pieces of interchangeable hands including:
• One (1) pair of hands with articulated fingers and light-up repulsors (white light, battery operated)
• One (1) pair of repulsor firing hands (white light, battery operated)
– Four (4) pixelated effect accessories in different sizes (attachable to figure base)
– Specially designed digital illusion and smoke effect diorama dynamic figure stand with LED light up function (battery operated) and droid
– Diorama Figure Base 3D designed by Studio HIVE
Release date: Approximately Q2 – Q3, 2022
**Prototype shown is not final, pending licensor approval
**Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required
**Batteries not included for diorama figure base, 3A batteries (3 pieces) are required
**Product details are subject to change without further notice
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