HOT TOYS 2020年10月22日派貨: 1/6 Action Figure《雷神奇俠3:諸神黃昏》Stan Lee HK$ 1,480

【最人氣Marvel 電影與電玩角色強勢集結 四款1:6比例 期間限定版 珍藏人偶限量登場】

Hot Toys將連續17年假香港動漫電玩節舉行大型珍藏人偶展覽!現搶先推出四款勢必全面掀起瘋狂搶購熱浪的Hot Toys 1:6比例 期間限定版 珍藏人偶,並鐵定於今日起接受預訂! 陣容之強絕對是近年罕見,定會成為全城人偶收藏家的追棒目標!


《雷神奇俠3:諸神黃昏》Stan Lee 1:6比例珍藏人偶HK$ 1,480

Hot Toys 宣佈現以極像真的Movie Masterpiece Series啟動 「Stan Lee 友情客串企劃」,於動漫節推出《雷神奇俠3:諸神黃昏》Stan Lee 1:6比例珍藏人偶作本年動漫節其中一款的期間限定版珍藏人偶, Hot Toys 將參照Stan Lee 於《雷神奇俠3:諸神黃昏》中化身理髮師的造型,以極像真的1:6比例珍藏人偶模式呈現。頭雕由Hot Toys韓國團隊,以Stan Lee招牌微笑為設計藍本,配上細膩的塗裝技術突顯其面部與頸項上的皮膚紋理和鬚子細節。此外,Hot Toys如實按照Stan Lee的身型比例,特別選用了一個高約31cm丶具有逾30個活動關節的可動素體,當中的右手配用上多功能機械手臂連機械爪 (同時備有展開狀態的機械爪以供替換)。而人偶的另一賣點將落在其以造真人服裝的技術及高質量的布料所製作的全套獨具Sakaar星球特色的理髮師服飾與配件,包括: 一件卡其色長袖上衣、一件深紅色無袖長袍、一條深啡色長褲和一對黑色長靴,同時更配有飾有鐵銹金屬色的肩甲配件與腰帶。此外,隨人偶更會配備一副太陽眼鏡、一束1:1比例淺啡色纖維髮 (約長20cm)、多對配有保護手套的造型手掌以及人偶地台。

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【Thor: Ragnarok – 1/6th scale Stan Lee® Collectible Figure】

“Now don’t you move. My hands ain’t as steady as they used to be!”

Showed up on Sakaar as the intergalactic barber to The Grandmaster’s Contest of Champions, Stan Lee was tasked to shear Thor’s trademark hair. Before giving the God of Thunder a new style with a much shorter hairdo, Stan Lee warned him to sit still because his shaky hands and the swirling haircut apparatus are not a good mix.

Commemorating Stan Lee’s memorable cameo appearance in Thor: Ragnarok, Hot Toys will be presenting a highly-detailed 1/6th scale Stan Lee® collectible figure as one of the 2020 Toy Fair Exclusive items only available in selected markets! The amazing figure is a continuation of the Stan Lee collection, perfect for any Marvel fan!
The brand-new collectible figure is skillfully crafted based on the screen appearance of Stan Lee as the barber in Thor: Ragnarok, features a newly developed head sculpt with stunning likeness, impressively detailed costume applied with natural weathering effects, cool-looking takes on the trimming apparatus with interchangeable devices in different sizes, framed glasses, and figure display stand.

What’s more, the barber Stan Lee figure has specially included a lock of real fabric hair from “another happy customer”, recreated in a life-size scale collectible accessory to enhance the unique collectible experience.