Apple TV+上映: 電影《GREYHOUND (怒海戰艦)》 (主角湯·漢斯飾演2次世界大戰中美軍驅逐艦艦長)

奧斯卡得主 湯姆漢克、艾倫史耐德聯手編導

繼【怒海劫】與【薩利機長】後,兩屆奧斯卡影帝湯姆漢克斯親自操刀執手劇本,並與奧斯卡得主導演艾倫史奈德聯手合作。新片【怒海戰艦】改編自1955年出版,取材自二戰真實歷史事件的小說 The Good Shepard。故事描述二戰期間,首次執行跨大西洋任務的美國軍艦「灰獵犬號」艦長克勞斯(湯姆漢克 飾),如何在五天毫無空軍支援掩護下,護送乘載上千人的國際商船艦隊,成功橫跨大西洋抵達英格蘭,避免遭受納粹潛艇艦隊猛烈攻擊……。

The only thing more dangerous than the front lines was the fight to get there. Screenplay by Tom Hanks inspired by actual events, Greyhound comes to theaters at Apple TV+.

In the early days of WWII, an international convoy of 37 Allied ships, led by captain Ernest Krause (Tom Hanks) in his first command of a U.S. destroyer, crosses the treacherous North Atlantic while hotly pursued by wolf packs of Nazi U-boats.