GOODSMILE 2015年1月21日發售: Nendoroid《魔法少女大戰》 青葉鳴子 4,500Yen連稅

リリースGSCね_ ティナ_140919

Nendoroid Naruko Aoba

“Change or Die!”

From the popular application, game and anime series, ‘Magica Wars’ comes a Nendoroid of Naruko Aoba! She comes with three expressions including an adorable smiling face, a confident winking expression and a chibi face to pose her swinging her mace around wildly!

The mace ‘Tanikaze’ is included along with her familiar ‘Takesuzume’. Even one of the enemy Magatsuhi is included to really bring out the atmosphere of the Magica Wars universe! Recreate your favorite scenes from the series!

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ねんどろいど 青葉鳴子


チェンジ オア ダイ!


仕様: ABS&ATBC-PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア・ノンスケール・専用台座付属・全高:約100mm
原型制作: 七兵衛