HOT TOYS 預定2021年第1季~第2季發售: 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope》Jawa & EG-6 Power Droid HK$1,630
【裹上深啡色蒙頭巾的Jawa 配有一雙LED眼部燈效 EG-6 Power Droid腳部配有可動關節】
Hot Toys 在期待《星球大戰IX》上映,同時更不忘致力推出經典《星球大戰》電影的主角及配角人偶,於今天更特別為一眾星戰迷獻上來自《星球大戰IV:新希望》電影中,Tatooine 沙漠星球上的原住民族之一的Jawa 與動力機械人EG-6 Power Droid 的1:6比例珍藏人偶套裝,讓玩家在重組電影場景時有更多的選擇。
Hot Toys百分百忠於電影原著設定,根據《星球大戰IV:新希望》中Jawa身型袖珍的比例,全新塑造了一個高約21cm丶具有逾20個活動關節的極高可動專用素體,能擺放多項抓獲與拾荒的動作。露出閃閃發亮雙眸的Jawa頭雕是採用了深啡色裹布蒙面,眼部配有一對橙黃色LED 眼部發光燈效。整套以啡色為主調的服飾,包括: 一件啡色有帽內長袍、一件啡色仿皮外背心及一對仿裹布紋的深啡色短靴。裝備及配件方面,將附有一條十字形啡色仿皮裝備帶、一把雷射步槍、一個燒焊器、一個通訊器、多對造型手掌,以及一個配有仿沙漠地形組件的珍藏人偶地台。隨套裝還配備有一個高逾18cm、腳部具有逾8個活動關節的EG-6 Power Droid 機械人,整個灰色像長方形盒子的機械人將細緻刻有機件細節,掃上仿真沙漠風化塗裝,腿部金屬線圈製作,足本還原為其他機械與載具提供能量的EG-6 Power Droid 1:6比例珍藏人偶!
The Star Wars galaxy is vast and filled with numerous alien species and droids. Today Hot Toys is delighted to further broaden its Star Wars 1/6th scale collectibles series by introducing the Jawa and EG-6 Power Droid collectible set based on the characters’ appearances in Star Wars: A New Hope!
Jawas are meter-tall humanoids completely hidden behind rough, hand-woven robes. Their faces are concealed within the dark folds of a cowl, from which peer their sickly glowing yellow eyes. They comb the deserts of Tatooine in search of discarded scrap and wayward mechanicals, incapacitate droids and drag them to their treaded fortress-homes, immense sand-scarred vehicles known as sandcrawlers, and sell their hastily refurbished junk to moisture farmers who are hard-pressed to find a better selection elsewhere.
Little more than walking batteries, power droids trundle along as directed by their owners or their programming, recharging vehicles and machinery. They are often called “Gonk” droids in imitation of their simple vocalizations. There are many different models of power droid, and are common sights throughout the galaxy but little noticed despite their critical importance to both military and civilian life.
Meticulously created based on the appearance of the two characters in the movie, the 1/6th scale Jawa collectible figure features newly developed head with LED lights, skillfully tailored costume, variety of accessories, and a sand-themed figure base. The EG-6 Power Droid is finely crafted with detailed mechanical body with weathering effects, and also comes with a sand-themed figure base.
The 1/6th scale Jawa Collectible Figure specially features:
– Authentic and detailed likeness of Jawa in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
– Newly developed body with over 20 points of articulations with black fabric hair around the arms
– Approximately 21 cm tall
– LED-light up functions on eyes (yellowish orange light, battery operated)
– Five (5) pieces of interchangeable gloved hands including:
– One (1) pair of relaxed hands
– One (1) pair of hands for holding rifle
– One (1) gesture right hand
– One (1) brown-colored hooded cape with weathering effects
– One (1) brown-colored under gown
– One (1) pair of brown-colored leg wraps
– One (1) pair of brown-colored shoes
– Two (2) crossbody belts with rifle holster
– One (1) blaster rifle with weathering effects
– One (1) welder
– One (1) communicator
– Specially designed figure base with sand-themed diorama accessory
The 1/6th scale EG-6 Power Droid Collectible Figure specially features:
– Expertly crafted with authentic and fine details of Power Droid in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
– Newly developed body with 8 points of articulations
– Approximately 18 cm tall
– Specially applied silver metallic painting with weathering effects
– Specially designed figure base with sand-themed diorama accessory
Release date: Approximately Q1 – Q2, 2020
**Prototype shown, final product may be slightly different
**Battery included for collectible figure, button cells are required.
**Product details are subject to change without further notice
© & TM Lucasfilm Ltd.