TOMYTEC 2014年12月發售: LittleArmory-OP02:figma専用Tactical Gloves (Foiliage Green) 900Yen
LittleArmory-OP2: figma Tactical Gloves (Foiliage Green)
Equip your figma figures with the LittleArmory series!
TOMYTEC’s ‘LittleArmory’ series is a set of weapons that can be used by 1/12th scale figures. This set of figma hands allows figma figures to hold the weapons from the LittleArmory set! The hands are modelled off tactical gloves with knuckle guards, which combined with the realistic guns in the LittleArmory series will leave your figmas ready for anything!
The set is available in two common military colors – Coyote Tan and Foliage Green. Each set includes four different hands for a total of eight pieces that allow the guns to be held, readied and carefully aimed! Use them together with the LittleArmory set for all sorts of new posing options!
* Parts are sold as a connected plastic kit. Parts require no assembly but do require tools to be cut apart. * This is a set of hand parts that allow figma figures to hold items from TOMYTEC’s LittleArmory set. * The LittleArmory weapons and figma figures are not included. This kit includes the hand parts only. * Parts are made to work best with the latest figma figures (No.200 and over). Please note that older figures may not be compatible.
Specifications: Plastic Runner Kit. Unpainted. Assembly not required. 1/12th scale. 8 Glove Parts. 2 x 5 types of non-articulated joint parts
※組み立て不要のランナーキットです。キットの切り離しには工具が必要です。 ※株式会社トミーテックから発売中の『LittleArmory』シリーズの銃火器を、『figma』に持たせるのに最適なキットです。 ※製品には写真の『LittleArmory』および『figma』は含まれません。 ※figmaシリーズNo.200以降の手首ジョイントパーツにあわせたキットです。過去のfigmaシリーズとは互換性がない場合もございます。予めご了承くださいませ。
仕様: PS ランナーキット・無彩色・組立不要・1/12スケール・グローブ8点・無可動ジョイント5種×各2点