GOODSMILE 2014年12月18日發售: Nendoroid 《CAPTAIN EARTH》夢塔哈娜 4,000Yen連稅

リリースGSCね_ シノン_140901


Nendoroid Hana Mutou


The beautiful girl with long black hair and dark skin.

From the original anime series ‘Captain Earth’ comes a Nendoroid of the heroine, Hana Mutou! She comes with three expressions including her a gentle standard face, an innocent smiling face and a singing face.

Optional parts include a baked potato, special parts to pose her sitting as well as the cute little squirrel-like creature ‘Pitz’ who always accompanies her! Recreate your favorite scenes from the series in Nendoroid size.

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ねんどろいど 夢塔ハナ





仕様: ABS&ATBC-PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア・ノンスケール・専用台座付属・全高:約100mm
原型制作: 鵜殿一佳