TOYS ALLIANCE 2019年7月發售: 1/18 Full Action Figure Series ACID RAIN WORLD 沙地裝甲拖車套裝(Sand Armored Trailer Set) HK$430

“1:18 沙地裝甲拖車套裝”

—— 產品明細 ——
《酸雨戰爭》—— 1:18 “ 沙地裝甲拖車套裝” 可動模型玩具
產品內容:沙地戰勤士官 x 1, 裝甲拖車 x 1,「鐵拳」戰壕刀 x 1, AP2手槍 x 2, ASMG6衝鋒槍 x 1, ARL11火箭筒 x 1, 載具懸掛架 x 1 , 護欄組件 x 1

發售價格:USD 54.99 | HKD 430
發售方式:通販產品 —— 購買詳細請向各大玩具店查詢。

—— 沙地裝甲拖車套裝簡介 ——
亞格斯的機械化戰術後勤部隊,是根據每個任務的規模和類型,以戰勤士官(TL Sergeant)為指揮中樞抽調戰術工兵、運輸兵、醫療兵等不同類別的士兵組成戰術後勤小隊。戰勤士官不僅是指揮整個後勤運作,更是要確保將正確的物資在準確的時間送達指定地點。
由於沙漠地區的高溫沙暴會對恆溫運兵車這類帶有計算機系統的裝備造成損壞,所以沙地戰勤士官(Sand TL Sergeant)常會調用一種構造簡單、重量輕、在沙漠中更耐操的裝甲拖車(Armored Trailer)來運兵或物資,在其車尾還可懸掛搭載如角馬(Wildebeest)這類的輕型載具。

Sand Armored Trailer Set

Mechanized tactical logistics teams are formed by various units such as TEs, Transporters and Medics, who all follow the commands of the TL Sergeant. The size of each team depends on the scale of the mission. In addition to leading the team, the TL Sergeant is responsible for ensuring the timely delivery of resources to their destinations. Since desert sandstorms often damage the operating systems of high-tech vehicles, Sand TL Sergeants prefer to use durable, lightweight Armored Trailers to transport troops and supplies. Armored Trailers can also link light vehicles such as Wildebeests to their rear.

– Sand TL Sergeant x 1
– Armored Trailer x 1
– “Iron Fist” Trench Knife x 1
– AP2 Pistol x 2
– ASMG6 Submachine Gun x 1
– ARL11 Bazooka x 1
– Vehicle Rack x 1
– Railing x 1