[New promotion video added] 香港2019年10月3日盛大獻映《JOKER小丑》
導演杜德菲力斯執導的《JOKER小丑》是這個經典反派在大銀幕上前所未見的原創獨立電影。杜德菲力斯鏡頭下的Arthur Fleck(華堅馮力士 飾)在葛咸城掙扎求存。他是個出租小丑,渴望能夠成為棟篤笑匠,卻發現自己的人生更像個笑話。Arthur受盡社會的冷漠和殘酷所折磨,作出一個醜惡的決定,引發出一連串無可挽回的事件。
憑《弦途有你》、《帝國驕雄》、《大師》三度提名奧斯卡的華堅馮力士(Joaquin Phoenix)飾演主角Arthur,《狂牛》《教父續集》兩屆金像得主羅拔迪尼路(Robert De Niro)聯合主演。其他演員陣容包括:《死侍2》莎絲比斯(Zazie Beetz)、電視劇《美國怪談》法蘭西絲康慧(Frances Conroy)、Netflix電視劇《毒梟》彼顧倫(Brett Cullen)、《廉價殺手》格倫費勒雪拿(Glenn Fleshler)、《金剛:骷髏島》希亞溫漢(Shea Whigham)、電視劇《GLOW:華麗女子摔角聯盟》麥馬朗(Marc Maron)、《莫莉遊戲》標卡普(Bill Camp)、《紅雀特工》德格拉斯荷治(Douglas Hodge)、《搶錢耆兵》佐殊派艾士(Josh Pais)、及電視劇《權力遊戲》禮基爾(Leigh Gill)。
《JOKER小丑》由奧斯卡提名、《醉爆伴郎團》三部曲杜德菲力斯導演,並與《擊情手足》史葛邵法(Scott Silver)根據DC角色聯合編劇。電影由杜德菲力斯、《星夢情深》《美國狙擊手》奧斯卡提名畢列谷巴(Bradley Cooper),及《華爾街狼人》奧斯卡提名愛瑪蒂蓮札歌絲高芙(Emma Tillinger Koskoff)監製,Michael E. Uslan、Walter Hamada、Aaron L. Gilbert、Joseph Garner、Richard Baratta及Bruce Berman擔任執行監製。
幕後製作團員包括:《哥斯拉II:王者巨獸》《醉爆伴郎團》三部曲攝影師Lawrence Sher、《愛在無聲的街角》《馬丁路德金:夢想之路》美術總監Mark Friedberg、《軍火狗》《醉爆伴郎團》三部曲剪接Jeff Groth,《霓裳魅影》《星光夢裏人》奧斯卡得獎服裝設計師Mark Bridges。HBO劇集《切爾諾貝爾:傷心的兒童》《毒裁者2︰無法無天》Hildur Guðnadóttir配樂。
《JOKER小丑》由華納兄弟影片公司呈獻,Village Roadshow Pictures及BRON Creative聯合呈獻,Joint Effort製作,華納兄弟影片公司發行,將於10月3日揭開丑惡根源。
Warner Bros. Pictures’ “Joker” stars Oscar nominee Joaquin Phoenix in the title role, alongside Oscar winner Robert De Niro, and is directed, produced and co-written by Oscar nominee Todd Phillips.
“Joker” centers around the iconic arch nemesis and is an original, standalone story not seen before on the big screen. Phillips’ exploration of Arthur Fleck (Phoenix), a man disregarded by society, is not only a gritty character study, but also a broader cautionary tale.
The film also stars Zazie Beetz (“Deadpool 2”), Frances Conroy (TV’s “American Horror Story,” Hulu’s “Castle Rock”), Marc Maron (TV’s “Maron,” “GLOW”), Bill Camp (“Red Sparrow,” “Molly’s Game”), Glenn Fleshler (TV’s “Billions,” “Barry”), Shea Whigham (“First Man,” “Kong: Skull Island”), Brett Cullen (“42,” Netflix’s “Narcos”), Douglas Hodge (“Red Sparrow,” TV’s “Penny Dreadful”) and Josh Pais (upcoming “Motherless Brooklyn,” “Going in Style”).
Phillips (“The Hangover” trilogy) directs from a screenplay he co-wrote with writer Scott Silver (“The Fighter”), based on characters from DC. The film is produced by Phillips and Bradley Cooper under their Joint Effort banner, and Emma Tillinger Koskoff. It is executive produced by Walter Hamada, Michael E. Uslan, Aaron L. Gilbert, Joseph Garner, Richard Baratta, and Bruce Berman.
Behind the scenes, Phillips is joined by director of photography Lawrence Sher (upcoming “Godzilla: King of the Monsters,” “The Hangover” trilogy), production designer Mark Friedberg (“Selma,” “The Amazing Spider-Man 2”), editor Jeff Groth (“War Dogs,” “The Hangover Part III”), and Oscar-winning costume designer Mark Bridges (“Phantom Thread,” “The Artist”).
A Warner Bros. Pictures presentation, in Association with Village Roadshow Pictures, in Association with BRON Creative, a Joint Effort Production, a Todd Phillips Movie, “Joker” is set for release beginning 2 October 2019, and will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures.