HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace》Qui-Gon Jinn HK$1,430

【極像真頭雕還原絕地大師風範 配備Yoda、Mace Windu和Royal Starship全息影像雕像連投射器】

一直對 《星球大戰》 電影系列全力支持的Hot Toys精心揀選了星戰第一部曲《星球大戰前傳: 魅影危機》中身為 Obi-Wan Kenobi 師傅 ─ Qui-Gon Jinn化身1:6比例珍藏人偶登場!Qui-Gon Jinn一位犧牲奉獻的絕地大師,與Obi-Wan Kenobi 橫越銀河執行過許多任務,最後一次他英勇的抵抗Darth Maul,在Naboo星不幸陣亡於Darth Maul劍下,玩家們可搭配先前所發佈的Darth Maul 1:6比例珍藏人偶,將他們的經典光劍決鬥場面完美復刻!

Hot Toys忠實根據電影原作設定與演員Liam Neeson的獨特氣質,打造出首款前傳的 Qui-Gon Jinn 1:6比例珍藏人偶!頭雕由Hot Toys韓國團隊參照絕地武士Qui-Gon Jinn的造型與表情所精心製作,塑造出媲美真人般的五官輪廓、髮式、皮膚紋理與鬍子細節等等,展現出其絕地大師的風範。此外,Hot Toys特別按照Qui-Gon Jinn角色比例塑造出約高32cm的男性專用素體,全身逾30個可動關節,能擺出多款大幅度的姿勢。服飾方面,Hot Toys 設計師參照電影原版戲服的物料質感與布紋所精心製作的整套絕地武士服裝,包括: 一套兩層的米白色長袖武士道服、一件米白色無袖外袍、一件啡色帶帽的絕地武士外袍、一條仿皮腰帶、一條深啡色長褲及一對啡色仿皮長靴;同時為配換上電影的另一個造型,更備有一件灰色斗篷。隨人偶除了附上一把結合右手手臂的內置LED發光的綠色光劍 (可換配揮動形態的綠色光劍組件)、一把可掛在腰帶上的光劍柄、一個通訊器、一個爪鉤,以及一個特別設計的人偶地台外,更特別配備了一個仿全息影像投射器,可配換上Yoda、Mace Windu 和Royal Starship 的全息影像雕像,如此豐富的配件裝備,絕對值得星戰迷的入手!

Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace – 1/6th scale Qui-Gon Jinn Collectible Figure】

A venerable if maverick Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn was a student of the living Force. Qui-Gon lived for the moment, espousing a philosophy of “feel, don’t think — use your instincts.” On Tatooine, Qui-Gon discovered a young slave boy named Anakin Skywalker who was strong in the Force. Sensing the boy’s potential, Qui-Gon liberated Anakin from slavery. The Jedi Master presented Anakin to the Jedi Council, but they deemed the boy too old to begin training and dangerously full of fear and anger. They refused to allow Qui-Gon to train Anakin, but rescinded their decision to fulfill Qui-Gon’s dying wish.

Today, Hot Toys is very excited to introduce the new 1/6th scale collectible figure of Qui-Gon Jinn from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace!

Skillfully crafted based on the appearance of Qui-Gon Jinn in the film, this 1/6th scale collectible figure features a newly developed head sculpt, finely tailored Jedi robe and tunic, a desert poncho, a LED light-up lightsaber, a Comlink, a grappling hook, a hologram projector with interchangeable holograms, and a themed figure base!