HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《俠盜一號:星球大戰外傳》 Director Krennic HK$1,430 (Rogue One: A Star Wars Story)

【極像真Director Krennic頭雕 豐富服飾還原銀河帝國官階服裝與擋雨披風造型】

Hot Toys今天鐵定推出於《俠盜一號:星球大戰外傳》首次登場、監督死星建造進度的銀河帝國武器研究指揮官 Director Krennic 1:6比例珍藏人偶!星戰另一反派 Director Krennic 是帝國先進武器研究部門 (Advanced Weapons Research division) 的主管,希望運用他對帝國系統的熟悉來發展死星計畫,藉以提昇他在 Emperor面前的地位。Hot Toys 除了準確按照 Director Krennic角色的身高比例製作出一個高逾30cm、具30多個可動關節的人偶素體外,更根據角色於電影中的服裝造型設定,剪裁出整套以白色作主調的主管制服,其長袖軍服上掛有兩枚密碼鑰匙 (coded key cylinder)和兩排代表其官階徽章,腰間束上仿皮腰帶連槍袋,而其下身的黑色馬褲設計特別,配有一對黑色長筒靴,呈現出英名神武的軍官氣質。同時還配備了一件以高質防水布料細緻剪裁而成的米白色擋雨披風和一頂飾有帝國徽章的黑色軍帽 (內置磁石以方便組裝),以打造出電影中的另一個造型!此外,極像真的 Director Krennic 頭雕絕對是此套人偶的焦點,由Hot Toys團隊完美地重塑出由Ben Mendelsohn 所飾演 Director Krennic 角色的全新頭雕,細緻無遺地刻上其深邃的面部輪廓和皮膚皺紋,以及塗裝上皮膚細節紋理與一頭啡白色頭髮,展現他充滿智慧謀略且冷酷無情的一面。除人偶更會配備一把DT-29雷射手槍、三顆彈藥筒、多對不同造型的手套手掌和一個人偶地台。

【Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – 1/6th scale Director Krennic Collectible Figure】

“We stand here amidst my achievement. Not yours!”

As director of Advanced Weapons Research for the Imperial military, Orson Krennic is obsessed with the completion of the long-delayed Death Star project. A cruel but brilliant man, Krennic has staked his reputation on the delivery of the functional battle station to the Emperor.

Longed for by many diehard Star Wars fans, Hot Toys is very excited to officially present today the 1/6th scale collectible figure of Director Orson Krennic from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story!

Meticulously crafted based on the appearance of Director Krennic in the film, this new collectible figure features a highly detailed head sculpt with amazing likeness, skillfully tailored Imperial uniform and magnetically attachable cape, an additional rain gear attire, a blaster, and a character themed figure stand.