HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《Aquaman》水行俠 HK$1,490

【精雕細琢全副仿鱗片裝甲戰服 金屬色塗裝還原黃金三叉戟 配備海洋情景地台】

踏入《水行俠》電影上映倒數最後兩天的重要時刻, Hot Toys 於今天推出《水行俠》水行俠1:6比例珍藏人偶,率先與DC 迷分享水行俠電影角色的最新服飾造型與配備以平息陸上同海底世界的紛爭!

電影中出現的全套黃金色拼綠色的水行俠戰服設計是源自漫畫原著的經典造型,是DC漫畫迷的一大驚喜!Hot Toys 為忠實還原由高大健碩的美國型男演員 Jason Momoa 所飾演水行俠一角,因而特別塑造了一個高約33cm丶具有逾 30 個活動關節的高可動專用素體,以配合高難度的海底戰鬥場面。同時,更特別根據電影戲服設定精心打造全套黃金色拼綠色的水行俠戰服,上半身突顯肌肉感的黃金戰衣除了塗裝上金屬感強烈的金黃色外,更細緻飾有如魚鱗片般的圖案細節,腰間掛有水行俠獨有 Logo 的腰帶連護甲;而下半身呈幻彩色的綠色貼身長褲則選用具彈性質感的布料剪裁縫製,並仔細印上如鱗片般的圖案細節,然後裝上仿金屬質感的小腿臂護甲與長靴,突顯水行俠的皇者霸氣!此外,水行俠人偶頭雕由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊以高超工藝細緻刻劃出演員 Jason Momoa 所飾演水行俠一角的面部輪廓,配上一頭狂野的啡色長髮與濃密的鬍子,絕對帥氣十足!最後,根據角色造型設定配備了一把三叉戟、多對可替換手掌,以及一個特別設計仿海洋情景人偶地台。

Aquaman – 1/6th scale Aquaman Collectible Figure

“A Son of the Land and a Son of the Seas…”

Arthur Curry, a half-Human and half-Atlantean, learns that he is the heir to the kingdom of Atlantis. With his superhuman strength, he must now step up to lead his people and stop an all-out war between the seas and the surface world. Inspired by one the most eagerly awaited blockbusters from the DC Extended Universe, Hot Toys is thrilled to introduce the 1/6th scale collectible figure of Aquaman wearing his iconic outfit!

The movie-accurate collectible figure is meticulously crafted based on the appearance of Jason Momoa as Arthur Curry/Aquaman in the movie of the same title, including a newly painted head sculpt with detailed long hair sculpture, a specialized body portraying Aquaman’s muscular body with enhanced articulations, a classic Aquaman costume with the signature gold and green color scheme, a highly-detailed Trident, and a specially designed dynamic figure stand features ocean themed diorama!