HOT TOYS 1/6 Action Figure《Avengers: Infinity War》Bucky Barnes HK$1,490
【全新蠟像級人物頭雕 炫酷機械手臂配置頂尖金屬塗裝 特配可替換化灰造型機械手臂】
Hot Toys 繼推出了一系列《復仇者聯盟3: 無限之戰》電影珍藏產品後,現壓軸推出Bucky Barnes 1:6 比例珍藏人偶,讓大家的1:6 復仇者聯盟人偶得以更完滿的結集!
人偶的全新極像真頭雕由 Hot Toys 韓國團隊以高超工藝細緻刻劃出演員施巴斯坦史丹 (Sebastian Stan) 所飾演的 Bucky Barnes一角,準確拿捏到媲美真人般的五官輪廓、皮膚紋理與面部表情,鉅細靡遺地突顯出角色糾結在終極一戰的複雜心情。Hot Toys 特別按照 Bucky Barnes 的外型比例,塑造出身高約 30cm、擁有逾 30個活動關節的專用素體,更為 Bucky Barnes 打造出獨特的左手機械手臂,細緻地於手臂上刻劃了肌肉及機械紋理;同時更特配上一隻可替換化灰造型機械手臂,還原電影魁隆在集齊所有無限聖石後,Bucky Barnes 成為首個被灰飛煙滅的一幕。服飾方面,整件以藍色和軍綠色為主調的戰衣,如實參考電影造型穿上飾有車縫細節的藍色外套、軍褲及長靴,肩膀和右手前臂配有護肩和護臂的配件細節,大腿位置掛上刀套連短刀。隨人偶更配有一把重型機關槍、多對不同造型的手掌部件人偶地台。
【Avengers: Infinity War – 1/6th scale Bucky Barnes Collectible Figure】
“And a semi-stable 100-year-old man…”
Friend turned foe, and maybe back to friend again, Bucky Barnes remains under the protection of Wakanda. Returns as one of the most conflicted characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Bucky is ready for another fight. Today, Hot Toys is very excited to present the new Bucky Barnes 1/6th scale collectible figure of the marvel-ous Avengers: Infinity War line up.
Masterfully crafted based on the portrayal of Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes in the movie, the movie-accurate collectible figure features a newly developed head with striking likeness, a finely tailored tactic suit, two highly-detailed prosthetic arms with one arm half turning into dust recreating the mind blowing scene, also with a number of weapons and accessories including a machine gun, a dagger and a specially designed hexagonal figure stand with the movie logo!